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Bandit Trio

Published Jul 10, 2021 Updated Jun 18, 2023
QueenNamorita writer

Bandit Trio, often called "Trio", is an encounter without a main boss. The goal is to protect the cage by eliminating mobs and three mini-bosses: Berg, Zane, and Narella.

Bandit Trio arena

Before Fighting Bandit Trio

  • Required Masteries and Mounts

    • Nuhoch Stealth Detection mastery is required to be able to see Saboteurs
    • Explosive Launch mastery is not required, but is helpful for the person doing Mortars
    • Glider Basics mastery is required to reach the ground before the fight
    • No mounts required
  • Special Roles

    • Someone with a bit of CC and the Nuhoch Stealth Detection mastery should be assigned to Saboteurs
    • Someone with access to a lot of CC should be assigned to Mortars. The Explosive Launch mastery prevents them from taking damage when launching off a platform, but it is not required.


Launchpad leading up to the starting platform

Glide down to the launchpad on the ground outside the arena. Kill the pocket raptors and mobs near the launchpad. Grab a Sapper Bomb and launch yourself up to the platform using the launchpad.

Moving off of the platform starts the fight.

Typically subgroup 1 stays up and subgroup 2 goes down.

Map of all environmental weapons and launchpads

Subgroup 1 kills snipers on the bridge. Knock the Beehives off the bridges by using an AoE skill. Grab the 2 Oil Kegs and glide to the bridge off to your right. Kill the sniper there (drop the Oil Kegs if you are holding one). Pick the Oil Kegs back up and drop it off on the ledge directly ahead - there are 2 Warg Bloodhounds at the drop spot. Join back up with Subgroup 2 at the Eastern gate and stack tightly.

When moving Beehives and Oil Kegs, weapon swap to DROP the item. Do not use it by pressing 1.

Subgroup 2 pulls the sappers together and cleaves them down. Stack very tightly at the Eastern gate to break line of sight with the snipers. All of the snipers walk towards the stack to be easily cleaved down.

Snipers run down to the main group around the corner

Bandits start spawning and coming in through gates. Move the Beehives to the Eastern gate and Oil Kegs to the ledge near the North gate.

Phase 1 (Berg)


  • Health: 6,881,700
  • Toughness: 1,236
  • Hitbox size: 80 (small)
  • Defiance bar: 2,000
  • Spawn time: 6:50


Berg will spawn on the Eastern gate at 6:50. Make sure to stack on the East side of Berg to face him away from the cage. While attacking, continue Pulling in and cleaving down adds.

Mordremoth Smash with breakbar

Berg has a channeled hammer AoE attack called Mordremoth's Smash. Breaking the Breakbar will stop this attack and daze him for 8 seconds.

He is weak to Beehives. One person should throw Beehives on Berg to help break the bar and do significant damage over time. Wait until the previous effect has worn off before throwing a new Beehive.

Saboteurs (Sab)

First Saboteur will appear at around 6:25. Yellow text will pop up on the screen announcing a Saboteur and red crossed swords will be visible on the minimap.

Saboteurs are mobs that spawn throughout the fight and try to bomb the cage. One person is assigned to break their bar. Be careful to not push them into the cage.

Their spawn is announced with a yellow message on your screen and chat. They appear on the mini map and have red crossed swords on top of their heads. They spawn around 6:25, 3:50, and then every 30 seconds after.

Saboteur with breakbar

When a Saboteur appears, they will run to the prisoner cage. Once they reach the cage, wait until the Breakbar appears, and then CC them. This bar can also be broken by Beehives. Once the bar is broken, you can return to the group. If you fail to break the bar, the Saboteur will light a bomb that damages 55% of the cage’s health.

The Saboteur damages 55% of the cage’s health. Its bar must be broken at all costs so always keep an eye out for it, even if you’re not the person assigned.


Mortars are mobs that spawn throughout the fight and try to bomb the arena. One person with respectable CC is assigned to break their bar. Grab a Sapper Bomb and take the southeast launchpad to get outside of the arena.

Their spawn is announced with a yellow message on your screen and chat. They appear on the mini map outside of the arena and have red crossed swords on top of their heads. They spawn roughly every minute starting at 5:20, with the final one spawning at 2:20. The last spawn is inside the camp and is usually ignored.

Bombardier on its path to set up a mortar

Mortars spawn outside the arena and run forward to set up their mortar cannon. Once they kneel down to start building, wait until the Breakbar appears, and then CC them. Once the bar is broken, you can grab a Sapper Bomb and use the launchpad to return to the group. If you fail to break the bar, the mortars will bomb the arena.

Phase 2 (Zane)


  • Health: 5,898,600
  • Toughness: 1,099
  • Hitbox size: 80 (small)
  • Defiance bar: N/A
  • Spawn time: 4:50


Kill adds until Zane spawns at the Southern gate at 4:50. Stack close together near the South gate shortly before Zane spawns. Zane is weak to Warg Bloodhounds so open their cages when he spawns.

Hail of Bullets

Zane has a HUGE attack range with . It is extremely important to have the squad stack South of him and face him away from the cage at all times.

Always stand south of Zane so he doesn’t hit the cage with .

He also uses a shadowstep attack that focuses the furthest player and leaves behind which Blinds players continuously.

If someone is way off stack and he jumps to them, wait patiently for him to return and don't chase him down.

Phase 3 (Narella)


  • Health: 4,915,500
  • Toughness: 961
  • Hitbox size: 80 (small)
  • Defiance bar: N/A
  • Spawn time: 2:47


Kill adds until Narella spawns on the NW side of the arena at 2:47.

Narella is weak to Oil Kegs. Before she spawns, one player with ranged DPS should go up to the ledge directly North of her and throw Oil Kegs at her. That player can also release the Warg Bloodhounds on the ledge.

Fiery tornadoes and Flak Shot around Narella

Narella uses and spawns fire tornadoes. Her main attack is a flamethrower cone. Fire tornadoes fixate on random players and can be kited away from the squad.

Narella takes massive damage from so focus on staying alive over doing high DPS. is applied to Narella when she burns the oil AoE on her or if a player ignites the slicks under her (created from Oil Kegs).

The extra Beehives (usually 1-2) can be thrown on the prison cage to help with Saboteurs in this phase as well.

There are 4 Saboteurs that spawn during this phase. Neglecting to deal with them will very likely cause a wipe. Most groups ignore the Mortars that spawn during this time.

Don’t forget to deal with Saboteurs during this final phase.

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