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The Fairytale Knights [TALE]

The Fairytale Knights [TALE] are a max level PvX guild who runs 2 - 4 training raids a week – Monday through Thursday evenings.
Training Europe Visit Discord Kauna Arget.7052

We cover all the wings on a loose rotation and take requests for wings where possible. We have at least once dedicated "clear" run a week, where we try and clear as much as possible. As well as raids, TALE is based on Aurora Glade and runs weekly strikes and other events. Our newest addition is Guild Friday, which is alternated between WvW and PvE. We believe that everyone can raid if they want to – all we ask is that you listen to and take advice from the Raid Leaders.


-    Sensible gear (i.e. no toughness if a dps, exotics or higher).

-    A meta build. We do build checks before giving our raiding and strikes roles - you need these to sign up. Off meta is allowed but do check it's ok with the Raid Leaders. We have experience tiers to our raids and roles to match to make sure people get the most they can out of a run.

-    Access to discord as we put the signups on our guild discord server. Voice chat is recommended (you can just listen).

-    A willing to learn attitude – we run these trainings for fun and learning and elitism is banned from the training raids.

-    TALE has 2 main rules - joining discord and verifying with Aleeva (to get the guild role) and representing during TALE events. Otherwise, just don't be toxic.

Log in to apply to join The Fairytale Knights [TALE] with your Snow Crows account.