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Keep Construct

Published Jul 19, 2021 Updated Jul 2, 2023
Zephyr writer

Keep Construct (“KC”) is the first boss of Stronghold of the Faithful (Wing 3). It keeps you cycling through phases, as you smash its rocky body with illusions, solidify its core, and then push the core around until it returns for a beating. Repeat until it switches things up for an orb-collection mini-game that ends with a blast, and then return to the previous cycle.

Before Fighting Keep Construct

  • Required Masteries and Mounts
    • no Masteries
    • no mounts
  • Special Roles
    • 1 tank: Keep Construct follows the player with the highest Toughness. However, it doesn’t hit hard, and the tank’s only job is to move Keep Construct to the glowing statue on the east side of the arena.
    • 1 core-pusher (pusher): The core-pusher uses a medium-speed non-projectile weapon to push the Construct Core into rifts, while keeping it away from enemies.
  • Common Strategies
    • For the Exposed Core sub-phase, players split into 3 groups:
      • North (N) at Arrow: All DPS and the Fixated player.
      • Southeast (SE) at Circle: Both Alacrity players.
      • Southwest (SW) at Heart: Both Quickness players.
      • If a player from Circle or Heart gets Fixate, they go to Arrow, and 1 DPS replaces them.
      • Other groupings exist, like “both healers to Heart, tank + pusher to Circle, and Fixate stays in their AoE”, or the use of a “backup” player to always take a Circle/Heart Fixate’s place.
  • Build and Skill Changes
    • This is a power DPS fight, as Keep Construct has lower Toughness than most bosses (687 vs. Mursaat Overseer’s 1374, for example).
    • (optional) To help the pusher, bring Pushes/Pulls to help move the Construct Core to rifts.
    • If core-pushing or helping the core-pusher, for the core-pushing phases, turn off your auto-attack and set your pet to passive.
    • Bring lots of CC skills for Keep Construct’s Breakbar.

Marking Exposed Core AoE Locations

Location markers for Exposed Core AoEs Use location markers, so players know where to go for the Exposed Core sub-phase.

  • Arrow: north (N)
  • Circle: southeast (SE)
  • Heart: southwest (SW)

Boss Phase 1 (100%–66%)

Keep Construct After completing Siege the Stronghold, go through the courtyard to Keep Construct’s arena.

Wait at the east side of the circular room. Stay near the walls, or you’ll start the fight!

To start the fight, go near Keep Construct.

During its boss phases, Keep Construct cycles through 3 sub-phases:

  • Xera's Embrace: Kill 2 white projections on Keep Construct to make its Breakbar appear. CC the Breakbar to change sub-phases.
  • Exposed Core: 2+ players stand in each of the 3 green AoEs to avoid wiping.
  • Ley Rifts: Pusher moves the Construct Core into rifts, while keeping it away from enemies, increasing your DPS against Keep Construct when it returns.

Sub-Phase 1: Xera’s Embrace


You’re not immediately DPSing Keep Construct in the first Xera’s Embrace sub-phase, so go to the east, next to the statues, and then move north/south to the glowing statue.

Glowing statue White projections spawn from the glowing statues around the room, Fixating on random players.

Kill white projections on Keep Construct, so their on-death green AoEs hit it, removing stacks of Xera’s Embrace.

  • Don't let their white AoEs touch each other, or they’ll try to merge into dangerous red projections!
  • Xera’s Embrace: When each Xera’s Embrace sub-phase starts, Keep Construct has 2 stacks. Removed by killing white projections near Keep Construct. When both are removed, Keep Construct’s Breakbar appears.

Handling White Projections

White projection running toward Fixated player White projections: They spawn from glowing giant statues around the room, with names like “Olsen the Elder”, and Fixate on random players, running to them. On death, they briefly make a green AoE that removes 1 stack of Keep Construct’s Xera’s Embrace.

  • During the Xera’s Embrace sub-phase, 2 white projections spawn on opposite sides of the room.
  • White projections are connected to their Fixates by white lines.
  • Commanders use the actual projections’ names when calling to kill a specific projection. Example: “kill Olsen (the Elder)”.
  • When 2 white projections’ white AoEs touch, they ignore their Fixates, and start slowly walking toward each other, to merge into a dangerous Insidious Projection.
  • If Fixated, stand on the opposite side of Keep Construct, so the white projections move through it to reach you.
  • If the close white projection won't die before the white AoEs touch, the other Fixate moves away from the squad, temporarily keeping the white projections apart.

If told to kill a red projection, make sure to kill white projections first, to avoid making more red projections!

Handling Insidious Projections (“red projections”)

Insidious Projection Insidious Projections: Large red projections created from 2 white projections. Cause large amounts of damage, steal boons, cause Daze, and don't remove Xera’s Embrace on death.

  • Even one Insidious Projection often wipes the squad. If you get an Insidious Projection, your commander will either tell you to kill it or /gg.

Avoid the large red-orange AoE on the ground! It causes a long Knockdown!

Avoiding Tower Drop

: Keep Construct jumps into the air, making a big red AoE on the ground, and then lands for a 3-second Knockdown and moderate damage.

  • Can be Aegised and Dodged.

After killing 2 white projections on Keep Construct, it loses both stacks of Xera’s Embrace, and gains a Breakbar.

To progress to the next sub-phase, break Keep Construct.

  • Quickly break Keep Construct. When broken, the Crimson/Radiant Phantasms and bomb AoEs stop.
  • If Keep Construct is CCed too slowly, the Crimson/Radiant Phantasms and can explode, despite Keep Construct beginning the next sub-phase.

If not quickly broken, you’ll need to quickly kill the Crimson/Radiant Phantasms, or spread out for bomb AoEs.

Killing Crimson and Radiant Phantasms

Players with red/white icons Crimson/Radiant Phantasms: Black phantasms with coloured icons over their heads spawn in the room. All players get a red/white icon over their heads. If not killed quickly by the same-coloured players, they explode for massive damage.

  • Quickly kill the phantasms with the matching coloured icon, or they explode for massive damage, Downing the squad.
  • Phantasms appear with red or white icons over their head. You also have a red or white icon over your head, allowing you to attack the same-coloured phantasm.

When everyone gets large filling AoEs, everyone but Fixate and tank spread throughout the room.

  • If there are 2 Fixates, only the close one stays.

Avoiding Xera's Fury (“bombs”, “circles”)

Xera's Fury : Large filling AoEs that follow players. -20% player health, +20% more damage for every AoE that overlaps players.

  • Spread out, making sure that no AoEs overlap players when they explode. Overlapping the AoE circles is fine.

After breaking Keep Construct, it disappears, starting the Exposed Core sub-phase.

Sub-Phase 2: Exposed Core

Green AoEs Stack in your pre-assigned green AoE (“green (circles)”), so each green AoE has 2+ players.

Unless using a different strategy, kill the white projection at Arrow.

  • During this sub-phase, only 1 white projection spawns at a time.
  • If you’re Fixated and need to leave your green AoE, tell your squad, so someone can replace you!

If core-pushing or helping the core-pusher, turn off your auto-attack (Ctrl + right-click the skill), and set your pet to Avoid Combat (“passive”).

When the AoEs fill, if all green AoEs have 2+ players, the next sub-phase starts. Otherwise, you wipe.

After the green AoEs fill, the Construct Core appears in the room's centre, starting the Ley Rifts sub-phase.

Sub-Phase 3: Ley Rifts

Non-core-pushers kill white projections. Be careful not to hit the Construct Core!

  • During this sub-phase, only 1 white projection spawns at a time.
  • Be careful with your attacks near the core, especially if the Fixated player is the pusher!

The core-pusher attacks the Construct Core, pushing it into rifts while avoiding the red ring around the room and the Retriever Projections.

  • Non-pushers, after disabling auto-attack and setting pet to passive, can use Pushes/Pulls to help.

Pushing the Construct Core (“core”, “orb”)

After the Exposed Core sub-phase, move to the centre of the room. Before you start pushing (by attacking the core), look for an Unstable Ley Rift away from the DPS players. Push the core straight into the rift, causing it to disappear, and then push it in the direction with fewer Retriever Projections.

  • Make sure that you push straight into the first rift! If you attack at an angle, it's easy to miss the rift, and difficult to fix the angle as you move to the room's edge!
  • If you can't quickly switch targets to the core, click to target it instead. The “Next Enemy” keybind prioritizes the white projections.
  • If you need to go into the red ring to push the core, make sure you have high health and push the core quickly! The red ring hurts a lot!

If not closing all rifts, when the pusher is done, everyone goes to the arena’s centre and stacks boons before Keep Construct reappears.

  • There are 5 rifts around the room. If squad DPS is low, close all rifts. If squad DPS is high, close 2 rifts (= 3 rifts left in arena), and then go to centre for boon-stacking.
  • If pushing, before starting, check for new orders from your commander, as different situations need different numbers of closed rifts (because of being close to phasing, or a previous low-DPS DPSing sub-phase, etc.).
  • After the sub-phase finishes, if needed, turn on your auto-attack (Ctrl + right-click the skill) and set your pet to Guard again.

Closing Unstable Ley Rifts (“pushing”, “(closing) rifts”)

Pushing the core into rifts, away from Retriever Projections and the red ring

  • Unstable Ley Rifts: When the Construct Core touches them, they disappear, and give Keep Construct a stack of Compromised.
  • When the Construct Core touches the red ring, is retrieved by a Retriever Projection, or all 5 rifts are closed, it’s retrieved, and Keep Construct returns.
  • Compromised increases DPS by +75%. Stacks up to 5.
  • The Retriever Projections slowly run to the Construct Core’s last position. If they reach it before it’s moved again, they’ll retrieve the core.

When Keep Construct reappears, the Xera's Embrace sub-phase starts again, and Keep Construct gets 2 stacks of Xera’s Embrace.


Since you’re now usually DPSing after finishing Exposed Core sub-phases, wait for the east glowing statue, and then move away from the centre of the room.

If the core was pushed through 1+ rift(s), Keep Construct is Stunned. DPS it.

  • While it's Stunned, only white projections spawn, instead of Keep Construct attacking.

When Keep Construct’s health is <75%, it starts using .

Don't stand in the light pink AoE under Keep Construct! Avoid the rotating orange AoE slices by standing between them, and move between safe spots.

Avoiding Phantasmal Blades (“donut”, “pizza”)

Phantasmal Blades

  • : Used at <75%. A light pink AoE appears under Keep Construct, and orange AoE slices rotate around the room. The light pink AoE deals Confusion, Torment, and ticking damage. The rotating orange AoE slices deal Confusion, Torment, and a small amount of damage. Gains another slice every 25%, for 3 slices at <25%.

Move to the east wall when the first statues begin glowing. Avoid ’s AoE.

The Xera's Embrace, Exposed Core, and Ley Rift sub-phases repeat until Keep Construct reaches 66%.

At 66%, Keep Construct becomes Invulnerable), and moves to the centre, starting Collection Phase 1.

Collection Phase 1

Collection Phase red/white icons and orbs You get a red or white icon over your head. From the edges of the room, red and white orbs start moving toward Keep Construct.

Spread out, so all sides of Keep Construct have players with red and white icons.

Move into same-colour orbs, stopping them from merging into Keep Construct’s. Go to the centre for heals.

  • Move into orbs from the front, so you touch the server-side real orbs.
  • Put heals at the centre.

Collecting Magic Blast Orbs (“collection”, “Pac-Man”)

Magic Blast orbs: When they touch Keep Construct, it gets stacks of Magic Blast Intensity. When they touch players, they cause slight damage. When they touch the same-colour player, they disappear.

  • Keep Magic Blast Intensity <15 stacks to avoid significant damage.
  • At 30 stacks, you instantly die.
  • Touching the wrong-coloured orbs does not stack Magic Blast Intensity, but they still damage you.

When Keep Construct starts moving and gets a rippling circle effect around it, stack outside of it and heal.

After Keep Construct uses , Boss Phase 2 starts.

Boss Phase 2 (66%–33%)

Boss Phase 2 is the same as Boss Phase 1.

Keep Construct starts in the Xera's Embrace sub-phase, immediately using donut/pizza ().

Cycle through sub-phases:

  • Xera's Embrace: Don't let white projections merge, and kill them on Keep Construct. Avoid . Kill Crimson/Radiant Phantasms or split for . CC Keep Construct’s Breakbar.
  • Exposed Core: Go to your green AoE. The Fixated player goes to DPS's green AoE, with someone replacing them if needed.
  • Ley Rifts: The core-pusher closes Unstable Ley Rifts, while keeping it away from Retriever Projections. Everyone else kills projections.

At 33%, Keep Construct becomes Invulnerable, and goes to the centre, starting Collection Phase 2.

Collection Phase 2

Collection Phase 2 is the same as Collection Phase 1.

Collect orbs with your icon's colour while avoiding the other orbs. Don't let orbs hit Keep Construct.

When Keep Construct starts moving and gets a rippling circle effect around it, stack outside of it and heal.

After Keep Construct uses , Boss Phase 2 starts.

Boss Phase 3 (33%–0%)

Boss Phase 3 is the same as Boss Phase 1, but replaces .

To remove stacks of Xera’s Embrace while Keep Construct’s in the air, kill white projections where it jumped up.

  • If both stacks of Xera’s Embrace were removed while Keep Construct was away, it returns with a Breakbar.

Handling Hail of Fury

Hail of Fury

  • : Keep Construct jumps into the air, staying there for several seconds. Small AoEs randomly cover the arena, causing 1-second Knockdown.

If Keep Construct has low health, don’t cycle through sub-phases.

Otherwise, cycle through sub-phases:

  • Xera's Embrace: Don't let white projections merge, and kill them on Keep Construct. Avoid . Kill Crimson/Radiant Phantasms or split for . CC Keep Construct’s Breakbar.
  • Exposed Core: Go to your green AoE. The Fixated player goes to DPS's green AoE, with someone replacing them if needed.
  • Ley Rifts: The core-pusher closes Unstable Ley Rifts, while keeping it away from Retriever Projections. Everyone else kills projections.

At 0%, Keep Construct dies, ending the fight.

  • If you disabled your auto-attack, Ctrl + right-click the skill it to re-enable it.
  • If you set your pet to Avoid Combat, set it to Guard.

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