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Introducing AccessiBuilds

Customizable builds for your ever changing needs as a gamer.
Published Jun 27, 2024

Here at SnowCrows, we are known for delivering the content and builds every gamer needs to play at their best. Our team has produced unbeatable Raid builds for years, but we are always searching for ways to raise the bar and better support the GW2 community. Earlier this year we launched the Open World build section, a project that took over half a year to polish and present to the community. Today, we are happy to announce another project that has been in development:

This new series focuses on builds that are not only easy to play, but also are highly customizable to adapt to your own changing needs.

Have a physical or mental limitation that makes other builds a challenge? Want a build your kids or non-gaming friends can bring to Strikes with you? Is your brother streaming and ruining your ping tonight? Spent all your mental spoons at work and just need to be a potato? We all have changing needs day by day, but still want to login and have a great time crushing some bosses and playing all the content GW2 has to offer! AccessiBuilds are designd with player choice in mind and aim to help you take the time to customize your build and gameplay to who you are right now.

Join us tomorrow on Twitch at 9pm EST (Reset +1) as the team behind AccessiBuilds talks about the importance of accessibility in Guild Wars 2 while introducing some of the new builds and philosophy behind them.