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Accessible Power Reaper

Published May 11, 2024 Updated Jun 29, 2024
AccessiBuilds - March 2024 Balance
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This and all AccessiBuilds are currently in preview. We'd love your feedback on this build or any thoughts you have on the overall initiative over on our Discord.
Item Stat







Item Stat








Primary Weapon Set

Berserker's DaggerMain Hand

Berserker's SwordOff Hand

Secondary Weapon Set

Berserker's SwordMain Hand

Other Items



Jade Bot Core

Traits & Skills
Skill Reference Guide
Dagger & Sword Default Keybind
4 4
5 5
Reaper's Shroud F1 Default Keybind
Next Steps

If you are ready for more go to our Beginner Power Reaper build. Some key differences are the introduction of the Greatsword and an additional Well. The build generates less Life Force so entering and exiting will be important.

Rotation & Extras

The basic conept for this build relies on entering and aims to leave only when it is absolute necessary. skills are very powerful and with the added benefit of a full second health bar to protect you from stray damage.

Before the start of the fight always remember to summon your .

At the start of the fight use and 2 then enter F1 . This combo is important and it will get used more and more as you progress as a Reaper.

Once in , alternate between 4 and 5 every 8 to 10 seconds and fill the gap with Auto Attacks. These skills need to be spaced out to provide better uptime.

Putting it together, your rotation will look like:

  1. 2 F1
  2. Use 4 to refresh
  3. Auto Attack for a few seconds
  4. Use 5 to refresh
  5. Continue to Auto Attack, repeat from Step 2

In case of a demanding situation with high damage pressure use 3 but do not use the flip skill. This will provide even more damage mitigation for a few seconds.

You will inevitably be kicked out of by either taking too much damage or Life Force mismanagement. When that happens, quickly rebuild Life Force by Auto Attacking on Dagger and pickup the rotation from Step 1 once is available.

Dropping out of Reaper's Shroud voluntarily will allow you many benefits including increased uptime on Relic of Fireworks.
Fireworks and Soul Barbs

Proactively leaving and re-entering will lead to a large Damage increase after you swap to in the Soul Reaping Trait Line. With this trait, you will gain a +10% to all Damage at the cost of some Vitality. As you will be entering and exiting often, the loss of Vitality might be felt more or less depending on the encounter.

With equipped, exit after Step 5 in the Basic Gameplay Guide. As soon as is available, start the rotation from Step 1 again. This will maintain with a comfortable buffer.

Additionally, consider using your other weapon skills while Fighting Outside Reaper's Shroud discussed below.

Fighting Outside Reaper's Shroud

Whether you choose to or are forced out of , you have many other skills at your disposal for maintaing Damage. First and foremost are your off-hand Sword skills. Use them off Cooldown:

  • 4 4
  • 5 5 is important since will refresh .

As both of these skills have a brief delay on flip over, you might find it easiest to do 4 5 4 5.

There are two other skills to be conscious of outside of :

  • 3 is useful for corrupting enemy boons. Use it as needed.
  • can help ramp up Life Force generation against melee targets. Do not hesitate to use this skill as needed. Remember, your second Shroud health bar will keep you safe.
Mainhand Sword

As is purely melee focused, staying in Shroud will not be viable for some phases. Similarly, Dagger also has limited range. For these phases feel free to Weapon Swap to Sword/Sword for sustained ranged damage and use your skills when available:

  • 2 provides 12% Life Force while the flip over skill 2 does extra damage to foes below 50% health.
  • 3 and its flipover skill 3 are Leap Finisher, so be wary of the forced movement. Using them to swiftly move into melee before Weapon Swap is there best use. Of note, the flip skill will also corrupt boons.

Do NOT camp Sword/Sword as your Life Force generation will be significantly lower preventing you from sustaining .


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