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Condition Renegade Gameplay Guide

Published Apr 4, 2022 Updated Oct 11, 2024
Umbra editor
Stand tall, my friend.

General Gameplay Tips

When playing with the Invocation Trait Line there are two traits that you should be actively aware of:

  • gives you 10% more strike damage when your health is above 75%.

  • is the most important trait when running Invocation. Your entire rotation is created around this trait. This is why it is so important to make sure your Energy is below 10 when you swap Legends.

  • A lower damage alternative can be to use and dropping from the rotation. This helps if you are unable to meet the Energy threshold

Try not to Dodge if you don't need to. The 33% Critical Chance from is nice to have, but staying alive is always better.

If you struggle with performing the rotation fast enough, can be a good way to drain some Energy quickly to get below the threshold.

100 Energy Openers

If you find yourself with 100 Energy on , you can do the following:

  1. or

If you find yourself with 100 Energy on , you can do the following:

  1. Press Alt + (F4)
  2. You really don't want to have 100 Energy on this Legend
  3. would be a quick way to dispose of 50 Energy.

Spirit Vale

Vale Guardian

Skills Weaponset

General Renegade Tips

Be careful with your positioning for . It is really easy to get ported at Vale Guardian, so you have to constantly watch the ground for . Feel free to delay if needed.

Try to walk backwards out of , instead of Dodging. This is because you want to maintain the Critical Chance bonus from .

If you do get ported, use to get back to Vale Guardian.

Be careful when using as you can Pull Seekers towards your group.

Split Phase

You should go to the Red Guardian during the split phase.

Engage in and open with . This will help ramp up Vulnerability on the Red Guardian.

Use during the split phase to help maintain some Might.

Use or and to help CC.

Gorseval the Multifarious

Skills Weaponset

General Renegade Tips

If you see that there are orbs around Gorseval, you can try and aim your to cleave them at the same time.

During the final phase, take care when using . This skill will lock you in animation and it is easy to be trapped inside an egg.

If you are getting overrun by adds during the main phase, drop a to help CC them.

Split Phase

Try to be in when the boss phases. Use on the first Charged Soul and provide Vulnerability.

Save Energy on the second Charged Soul while you're in so you can start the phase with ~90 Energy.

If you see that there is a Charged Soul getting dangerously close to Gorseval, you can use to apply Chill.

Use during the split phase to help maintain some Might.

Breakbar Phase

If you need extra CC during the Breakbar Phase, you can delay and use to help provide some CC. If you are on Shortbow use .

Be careful during the Breakbar Phase with your Shortbow attacks like or as you can die due to Vivid Echo. The same applies to . If the CC is really bad just don't use .

Sabetha the Saboteur

Skills Weaponset

General Renegade Tips

Be careful with while Sabetha is using her Flamewall attack. You may find yourself locked in animation and heading towards her Flamewall.

Do not save Energy while the split adds are up as the faster they die, the faster Sabetha returns.

If you have to do Cannons, try to swap into before you go up to gain more Energy. Use to get back to Sabetha quickly and open with the 100% opening.

Dealing with Mechanics

If you get an expanding , use or to get back to Sabetha quickly. If you are on Shortbow you can either use or just try to adjust your rotation so that you can use and while walking back to Sabetha.

If you get a while in you should use and any other spirits to drain your Energy once you've returned to the group.

Use if you’re further away as it has a longer range, but make sure to take care when using this skill as it will put you on the opposite side of Sabetha.

You will probably get quite frequently because you are frequently the closest player to Sabetha due to .

Salvation Pass

Matthias Gabrel

Skills Weaponset

General Renegade Tips

Don't interrupt your rotation while Matthias is doing his bubble attack, just continue your rotation. There are two skills that you should delay, and . Save these for when the bubble has finished.

If you get knocked down, you can use on or on to Stun Break.

For CC, you can help with and, if you are on Shortbow with, .

Dealing with Mechanics

If you get a mechanic on Matthias which forces you to move away from the boss, you can use as a gap closer.

On Shortbow, be careful about greeding for empowered procs. Don't kill yourself or someone else for a bit more torment on the boss.

If you get a mechanic while in , save your Energy and open with your spirits to drain Energy once you've returned to Matthias.

Stronghold of the Faithful


Skills Weaponset

General Renegade Tips

Spam during the initial island phase and during the split phases to upkeep Might.

You can help with add control by using as it is an AoE CC.

Try to keep track of the mob spawns and time your spirits for when there are no, or few mobs presents. This will ensure that the damage from your spirits will go to Xera and not the trash mobs.

Use off Cooldown in the gliding phase for some extra Alacrity.

Bastion of the Penitent

Cairn the Indomitable

Skills Weaponset

General Renegade Tips

Be careful with your positioning for . It is really easy to get ported at Cairn, so you have to constantly watch the ground for the port fields. Feel free to delay if the fields are up.

If you get ported, use to get back to Cairn. You will be too far away to use as a gap closer.

Stay at the boss for as long as possible when the green circles are spawning, because you will lose a lot of DPS if you go into green while on Mace - Axe (melee) or on shortbow (). You can use as a gap closer when the greens despawn.

Try to focus on your rotation, since Cairn is essentially a DPS Golem with only a few mechanics.

Mursaat Overseer

Skills Weaponset

General Renegade Tips

You can always delay slightly to help cleave Jade Soldiers quickly.

Be careful with while Mursaat Overseer is in a field with spikes. Feel free to delay your skills rather than die to spikes.

You can cleave Jade Scouts with , if you position yourself well.

If your DPS isn't that good and you have to move Mursaat Overseer through the arena, try to place your in the direction that he is moving and your spirits in the location where you'll be stacking.


Skills Weaponset

General Renegade Tips

If you aren't able to go melee at Deimos, camp Shortbow and only swap Legends and not weapons as won't trigger.

Be careful when using , as you can trigger a black field during this animation as it roots you in place.

Split Phase

After you get ported down to deal with Saul, try to be on and use to provide some Vulnerability.

Remember that and are CC skills and can be used to help break Saul or slow down Prides and Greeds. Alternatively, you can use which applies Chilled.

Hall of Chains

Soulless Horror

Skills Weaponset

General Renegade Tips

Be mindful of the tank's movement before casting .

You can help with CC during the Breakbars by using , and .

Try not to use if there is a Tormented Dead close to the group as this may cause it to be pulled into the group. This could mean that your Druid is unable to push it away.

Be careful when using while there is a wall close by.

Use and to help relieve some pressure on your Druid. also reduces incoming Condition Damage by 50%.

Be mindful of where you place your spirits as you'll lose out on a lot of DPS if they're not properly placed on the boss/group.


Skills Weaponset

General Renegade Tips

Due to the downtime during the pre-event you will almost always have more than 50 Energy, this allows you to do the following;

  1. Use to share Alacrity before the skeletons spawn.
  2. Use to share Might before the skeletons spawn.
  3. Use to help cleave spiders.

Cast early if Dhuum is doing the small death mark or phasing in the next ~10 seconds. After his teleport, go for additional DPS by entering the AoE he leaves behind after the slam until the green ring of fire around it is fully formed.

Try to deplete as much Energy as possible before Dhuum's .

You can use to remove the boons from Dhuum after the .

Dealing with Mechanics

You can use to get away from your group if you are subject to mechanics. If you are running you can use to move away from the squad and you can use when returning.

If you are on and have to move away from the boss you have no option to use mobility skills. When you come back to Dhuum, you can use . Once you've returned to Dhuum use swap to .

Mythwright Gambit

Twin Largos

Skills Weaponset

General Renegade Tips

The Largos move around a lot, making it hard to hit AoE skills. Try to be mindful of movement before you cast skills such as .

Keep some Energy ready for to deal with Breakbars.

is useful for removing boons from Kenut.

Key of Ahdashim

Cardinal Sabir

Skills Weaponset

General Renegade Tips

If you get Stunned during the main phase, you can use or to Stun Break.

Be careful when using if you know is coming. This skill will root you in place and might cause you to Down.

Split Phase

Help break the adds during the split phase with .

You can also apply Vulnerability to the adds during the split phase with .

Breakbar Phase

Use and to help provide some CC during the large, uncoordinated Breakbars. If you are on Shortbow use .

Don't waste any Cooldowns during the Breakbars as Cardinal Sabir's Barrier will void your damage.

Qadim the Peerless

Skills Weaponset

General Renegade Tips

Before Qadim the Peerless spawns, you can stay in the AoE that knocks you back when the pylons spawn, this allows you to start with 100% Energy. When the fight starts, immediately put down and then proceed to start the fight with 100% Energy.

Starting at 30%, Qadim the Peerless begins to receive boons periodically including Resolution. You can help strip them with .

Help break the Anomaly, Qadim the Peerless, and Pylon’s Breakbar with and . You can break Anomalies in lava fields due to these skills being ranged.

Continue attacking Qadim the Peerless at 40%, 30% and 20% with your shortbow while he stays near the destroyed Pylons.

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