These settings may not work for every player or system, but they're intended to provide a starting point that provides a gameplay experience clear of many elements that may distract or cause issues to players. Experiment to find what works best for you.
Visual Settings
Settings under the default F11 menuDepending on your needs, some of these specific settings may be appropriate for minimal screen clutter. Treat suggestions as a baseline for adaptation.
F11 - General Options tab
Settings checked on:
- Show All Enemy Names
- Show All Useable Object Names
- Show Target Health Percentage
- Disable Player Camera Shake
Camera shake can create immersion, but also cause dizziness or motion sickness.
Settings checked off:
- Show All NPC Names
- Show All Player Names
- Show All Squad Names
This will only show names of enemies and objects required to interact with directly in the content. NPC Names may be helpful in some encounters.
If you need the extra visual to find your own character turn on:
- Always Show My Name
If you are responsible for Healing, or want help visualising your squad without names turn on some or all of these:
- Thick Party Health Bars
- Always Show Party Health Bars
- Always Show Squad Health Bars
"Thick Party Health Bars" will differentiate your subsquad from the rest of the squad and minions with the thickness of the bar. "Party Health Bars" will toggle only your subsquad showing and "Squad" will show all the squad's bars.
Audio Settings
Settings under the default F11 menuF11 - Sound Options tab
For the minimal audio settings to hear most of the specific audio cues, the only two sliders required to have volume are:
- Effects Volume
- Dialog Volume
"Effects Volume" includes the sounds of foes and allies attacking. "Dialog Volume" controls the NPC chatter including the lines used to cue specific mechanics.
Also consider having these settings set to off to remove extra audio noise in the pull down options:
- My Unique Item Sounds
- Other Players' Unique Item Sounds
In the check boxes under the sliders:
Settings checked on:
- Disable Player Chatter
- Disable Player Item Chatter
Settings checked off:
- Mute Player Alerts
These settings will mute character audio lines for events such as gaining boons, and random lines from . Making sure "Player Alerts" is active will allow the voice lines of a player calling target to still take place.
Chat Options
Setting accessed via the cog on expanded chat windowThese settings can assist in differentiating chat channels of similar colours and identifying which messages are new.
In instanced content commonly used chat channels will be "/p
" for "Party" chat to only the subsquad, or "/d
" for "Squad" chat to the entire squad. If you are new to squads, type in "/d
" by default when talking to the group.
Settings checked on:
- Show Channel Tag
- Show Timestamps
"Show Channel Tag" will put labels such as [Squad]
and [Party]
in front of the chat bar for easy recognition of where you're sending a message to.
Messages in the chat will have [S]
for squad and [P]
for party preceding them to denote which channel you are reading. It can be difficult for some people to see the colour difference between the [S]
of "say" and "squad" channels even with this setting.
Most squads will predominantly use squad chat for organisation, but in some instances where the subsquads are split handling mechanics, party chat can be used to reduce confusion.
Timestamps in chat can be helpful when seeing game message warnings of mechanics to identify which are new and need action.
General Settings Affecting Gameplay Controls
Settings under the default F11 menuF11 - General Options
Settings checked on:
- One of Double-Click to Interact/Attack or Right-Click to Interact Attack.
- Stop Autoattacking on Target Change
- Lock Ground Target at Maximum Skill Range
- Allow Skill Retargeting
Of the two click to Interact/Attack options, Double-Click is the preferred option as Right-Click is commonly used in camera control and can be triggered accidentally.
Situationally checked on:
- Snap Ground Target to Current Target
If you can learn to play without it, keep this off, but this can be a great tool for accessibility, and on some DPS builds simplify keeping attacks on the target, but it can be very limiting if you need to quickly ground-target a skill somewhere else. One way to keep the current target and put a ground target field under the squad is to click the skill instead of using the keybind. This by default casts it upon your location.
Settings checked off:
- Double-Tap to Evade
- Melee Attack Assist
Double-tapping a direction key has caused the death of many players not only in jumping puzzles, but any content. It is preferable to bind a specific key to Dodge in the F11
"Control Options" settings under the "Movement" section.
"Melee Attack Assist" is designed to stop you going through your target so that you stay in range, but it hinders your ability to avoid or excecute mechanics as it will often not allow you to enter the hitbox of your target. If you have the ability to learn to reposition whenever your attacks make you travel too far forward, turn this off.
Situational setting to be aware of:
- Hide Ally Visual Effects
When turned on, this can have major effects on reducing visual clutter and strobing skill effects, but it can interact with game mechanics in unintended ways, hiding major mechanics from view. If you turn these setting on, refer to individual guides listed below for information whether this is required to be turned off in those instances. If the encounter is not listed we either haven't tested it or updated guides with the information, so proceed with caution if this setting is set to anything other than "Hide None".
F11 - Control Options
Make sure these options have an easy to access keybind set:
- Dodge
- Special Action
The "Special Action Key" (SAK) is used in many encounters and will appear as an icon over the left side of the skill bar. It is best to choose a keybind that is still useable when also moving your character.
Another very helpful option to have, but that is not always neccessary, is personal target bindings:
- Set Personal Target
- Take Personal Target
These two options work similarly to the standard call target, but it is only visible and useable to the player who set it. It can be used to target a character or object for easy visibility, especially if name plates are turned off, and switching between two targets. Note: Pressing Tab
(by default) to aquire next target follows a priority - the highest ranked enemy in range, then proximity.