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Cosmic Observatory

Published Aug 27, 2023 Updated Aug 16, 2024
Aly writer

Cleanse the kryptis possession of the Wizard of the Celestial in the Cosmic Observatory.

  • Four main phases with three split phases at 75%, 50%, and 25%.
  • Always resolve any mechanic that started before Demonic Blast during the pushback.
  • Stack into the green arrow and spread out orange circles.
  • Sidestep after Spinning Nebula to not stand in Soul Feast spawn.
  • You cannot stealth the green or Soul Feast mechanics.
  • The special action key is a projectile used to kill the Soul Feast and may be obstructed by Dagda.
  • Turn shaders down to avoid being blinded by the bright Planet Crash attack.
  • After 50% watch out for non-player allies such as Mechs being chosen for the green arrow and not being in an appropriate placement.
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When first setting up to fight Dagda you'll need to consider:

  • Have players bring Crowd Control skills for the phases.
  • Bring projectile reflect or destruction. Generally two in group timed properly will cover the mechanic.
  • The instance is set to Tyria Time on opening.
  • As the floor is green, this strike may be more difficult for those red/green colourblind.

While one auto-attack chain is listed below, Dagda may have one to three repeats of auto-attack chains, typically two, between other attacks.

Currently (January 2024) the Spinning Nebula pattern in the centre is using the pattern for Cosmic Observatory Challenge Mode.

100% to 90%

Once the encounter starts, Dagda will begin her auto attack at the closest target, visually identified with striking from left, right, overhead: Strike, Vengeful Strike, Starburst. Strike and Vengeful Strike are melee attacks; Starburst is a melee attack inside her hitbox and a ranged projectile outside.

She will follow this with Shooting Stars and repeat until 90% HP.

If there are no targets in melee range Dagda may pause then attack with Spinning Nebula typically first seen in the next phase.

Dagda, Wizard of the Celestial
Dagda, Wizard of the Celestial
Key Mechanic

Shooting Stars randomly targets one player, or ally such as a Mech, with a target overhead and a green arrow pointing through them. Beware the Shooting Stars. Hide behind your allies! will appear in the middle of the target's screen and in chat in red. There is a 6.5 second window to get a minimum of 4 allies directly between the target and Dagda to mitigate the mechanic. Failure of this mechanic applies one stack of Infirmity to the squad, excluding the target. The target should step backwards and stay still.

Shooting Stars indicator
Shooting Stars indicator
Key Mechanic

At 90% HP Dagda goes briefly untargetable and casts Demonic Blast. Step between the orange slices. Failure on this mechanic can apply one stack of Debilitated and Residual Anxiety to each player failing the mechanic and summons one of The Tormented at their location.

Key Mechanic

At reaching 10 stacks of Residual Anxiety players will turn hostile and are Taunted by squad members. After either being hit with (most) Hard CC skills or entering downstate they will no longer be hostile.

If all surviving players reach 10 stacks of Residual Anxiety the strike will instantly fail.

90% to 75%

At 90% HP Dagda will now expand her attacks chains and will move from the centre. It is not consistent if Spinning Nebula will start in the centre or be on a teleport to a side before returning to the centre, but will alternate during the phase after the first execution. Use a projectile control skill as she teleports to the side to block Spinning Nebula. There will most commonly be 2 autoattack chains between other attack in this phase.

Demonic Fever targets the 7 closest players to Dagda with orange circles. Avoid overlapping them with another circle before they explode.

Spinning Nebula has multiple projectiles coming out in fan patterns. Control this with reflects or projectile destruction, but there is enough space to step between them if needed.

Dagda will rotate through: Strike Vengeful Strike Starburst Shooting Stars Strike Vengeful Strike Starburst Demonic Fever (possible teleport) Spinning Nebula Demonic Fever

Spinning Nebula (See note above and reference CM guide for current skill image)
Spinning Nebula (See note above and reference CM guide for current skill image)

At 75% HP Dagda becomes untargetable and casts Demonic Blast with a push from the centre. Step between the orange slices and move to the outer edges with the push back. Kill the Tormented foes to end the phase. They may chase any clones or pets into the centre, but will chase players back out once in combat, or they can be ranged down. Avoid standing near the stairs onto the main platform as the Tormented movement can make them travel down the stairs and out of range.

Demonic Blast with pushback
Demonic Blast with pushback

If Dagda started Demonic Fever or Shooting Stars before the phase switch the mechanic will usually still execute during the push back.

75% to 50%

Dagda adds Soul Feast into the last rotation of attacks. As for the previous phase, the repeat will be alternating either in the middle or side for Spinning Nebula.

Dagda will rotate through: Strike Vengeful Strike Starburst Shooting Stars Strike Vengeful Strike Starburst Spinning Nebula Soul Feast Strike Vengeful Strike Starburst Demonic Fever

Key Mechanic

Soul Feast targets a single player that receives a red chat and mid-screen message: You are targeted by Soul Feast. Run! It will follow the player until it either expires in 15 seconds or a player hits it with Purifying Light. As it spawns, two orbs will be placed on the field which grant the skill Purifying Light on special action key – this is a projectile so may be body blocked by Dagda. If hit with Purifying Light the field from the Soul Feast persists on the floor, but is no longer damaging, and the Soul Feast vanishes. Anyone hit by an active Soul Feast gains a stack of Residual Anxiety. As Soul Feast follows Spinning Nebula in the rotation, simply circle around, or on the way back to, Dagda to not stand in the spawn location. The targeted player should quickly move toward the outer wall as to not become a target of Demonic Fever as well.

Purifying Light

Purifying Light

Soul Feast

Soul Feast

At 50% HP the same Demonic Blast Phase with push will occur with additonal foes to end the phase.

50% to 25%

Two new skills are added into her typical repeating rotation:

Strike Vengeful Strike Starburst Shooting Stars

Strike Vengeful Strike Starburst Spinning Nebula at centre

Soul Feast

Strike Vengeful Strike Starburst Rain of Comets

Strike Vengeful Strike Starburst Planet Crash

Strike Vengeful Strike Starburst Spinning Nebula at the side, then port to centre

Strike Vengeful Strike Starburst Rain of Comets

Strike Vengeful Strike Starburst Demonic Fever

Key Mechanic

This attack covers half the arena in a semi-circle pattern with a blockable non-projectile attack.

Rain of Comets
Rain of Comets
Key Mechanic

Dagda channels a massive attack, break the defiance bar to lessen the damage. An unprepared squad will likely wipe on a failed CC attempt.

Planet Crash
Planet Crash

At 25% HP the same Demonic Blast Phase with push will occur with additonal foes to end the phase.

25% to 0%

This is a repeat of the pattern from Phase Four until 0% HP.

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