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Condition Druid

Published Mar 8, 2024 Updated Mar 5, 2025
Open World - February 2025 Balance
Pros +
Provides party boons Access to healing & support Plenty of utility
Cons -
Fast paced rotation Relies on resource management Lacks burst damage
Item Stat







Item Stat








Primary Weapon Set

Ritualist's AxeMain Hand

Ritualist's TorchOff Hand

Secondary Weapon Set

Ritualist's ShortbowMain Hand

Other Items




Jade Bot Core

Traits & Skills

Skill Notes

can be swapped for for more group Healing, Condition Removal, and Astral Force generation at a small damage loss.

can be changed for for group events in which heavy conditions or deaths are expected. Use it during for the more potent .

Trait Notes

can be changed for in case Alacrity is already covered for the group and more damage would be favored.

Rotation & Extras

Disabling or Immobilizing a foe applies Bleeding via . This trait is the core of the build!

Generate Astral Force to enter to provide group Alacrity with each skill cast. Some skills will also provide Might or Disable/Immobilize at the same time, triggering for more damage.

Astral Force is generated by dealing strike damage or Healing allies, but cannot be generated while in .

Use and Jacaranda's F2 skill, , off Cooldown.

Frequently cycle between , Axe, and Short Bow. A loose rotation is:

  • All Axe/Torch skills Axe/Torch skills
  • Weapon Swap when available
  • All Short Bow skills Short Bow skills
    • Save exclusively for Evading.
  • Weapon Swap when available

When in , use:

  • , and once
  • twice. It is insta-cast so use it during other skills.
  • Then

Weapon skills will be interrupted by using , so use , , and when available to transition in and out of .

is one of the best healing skills in the game, use it whenever either you or your pet needs some healing!

Use Dodge and to Evade danger. Thanks to , neither will be a big damage loss, so don't greed.

Slightly extending your time in can provide massive group Healing, but do not drain more Astral Force than needed as it will delay your next :

  • for quick, small Healing.
  • for instant Healing, Blind, and a Light Field.
  • for Daze, Healing, and a Blast Finisher.
  • for a Might and Heal pulsing Water Field.
  • for personal Stability, but with a long cast time.
Skill Defiance Break Source
232 Utility
400 Short Bow

This build has a lot of Immobilization sources which will also deal Defiance Break damage at 50 per second. Unless cleansed, you will easily have full Immobilization uptime.


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