Flow generates over time and can be gained at an increased rate by using . This skill should be used off Cooldown, as it generates both Flow and Fury.
Flow is then consumed by using Dragon Slash—Force.
Dragon Slash—Force is your bread and butter, it will deal most of your damage and should be used off Cooldown as soon as you have enough Flow.
charges up slowly so make sure you're well positioned before using it. Triggerguard can be used to give yourself Aegis while you channel.
Even though we are only using for Dragon Slash—Force, it actually gives you access to three skills:
- Dragon Slash—Force is a frontal melee cleave
- Dragon Slash—Boost moves you in a line towards and through your target
- Dragon Slash—Reach is a ranged attack.
has access to ranged skils that can be useful to tagging, like Cyclone Trigger that shoots up to five nearby enemies.
has two important functions:
- It reloads all the Ammunition on your Bladesworn skills
- It decreases the charge time of your next .
should be used off Cooldown to take advantage of these functions.
makes your explosion skills deal significantly more damage and it should be used before:
instantly recharges which lets you burst with the following:
- Flicker Step Dragon Slash—Force
- Flicker Step Dragon Slash—Force
Always keep one charge of Flicker Step for when you charge Dragon Slash—Force after to close the gap. Using Flicker Step will also trigger your .
Consume Ammunition periodically to increase the damage via :
- *
- Blooming Fire
- Artillery Slash*
- Cyclone Trigger
- Break Step
- Triggerguard
- Flicker Step
(*) Keep in mind that these two skills consume all Ammunition.
and Artillery Slash deal more damage based on the amount of Ammunition consumed. Try to use them both with the most amout of Ammunition available.
Use before in order to gain more Ammunition and deal more damage.
Triggerguard and Flicker Step can be used during to help maintain . These skills will not interrupt .
can be used for it's massive Condition Removal and decent healing. When paired with it also makes you deal more damage for a short duration and is best used before entering .
The following skills grant us Aegis on use:
- Cyclone Trigger
- Triggerguard
grants passive life regeneration whenever getting Might. You gain Might whenever you charge due to .
You have a lot of mobility skills:
- Break Step
- Dragon Slash—Boost
- Flicker Step.