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Power Spellbreaker

Published Apr 8, 2024 Updated Mar 5, 2025
Open World - February 2025 Balance
Pros +
Plenty of CC Provides self boons Sustained damage
Cons -
No ranged DPS Relies on specific boon Easy to cancel skills Frequent animation locks
Item Stat







Item Stat








Primary Weapon Set

Berserker's DaggerMain Hand

Berserker's MaceOff Hand

Secondary Weapon Set

Berserker's HammerMain Hand

Other Items




Jade Bot Core

Traits & Skills
Skill Notes

can be replaced when needed:

  • for a strong Healing through damage negation.

can be replaced when needed:

  • for Might and Fury
  • for additional Condition Removal
  • for Resistance and Adrenaline
  • to make you Invulnerable to Strike Damage.

can be replaced when needed:

  • when mass Resurrection is needed
  • to block projectiles and boon strip.
Skill Reference Guide
Dagger & Mace Default Keybind
Auto Attack Chain
Hammer Default Keybind
Auto Attack Chain
Trait Notes

can be swapped to when Stability is needed. Keep in mind that this will only trigger on .

can be swapped to if you are struggling with Might.

Equipment Notes

Dagger can be taken instead of Mace off hand in order to benefit from .

Mace can be taken instead of Dagger off hand if you require more Defiance Break.

can be replaced when needed:

  • is easy to maintain Damage buff
  • for a Heal every time you Block
  • coverts Critical Strikes into Healing
  • grants Condition Removal when you use a shout
  • grants Condition Removal when you use your heal skill
  • provides increased Movement Speed and Superspeed when entering combat
  • gain Might x 3 and Fury when you disable an enemy on a one second Cooldown
  • gain Might x 8 and Fury when you use your heal skill on a 10 second Cooldown
  • gain Aegis, Quickness, Swiftness, Resistance and Might when you hit an enemy with your mount engage skill.
Rotation & Extras

This build relies on constant application of Crowd-control in order to function. Keep in mind that the target must be doing an action when you hit them.

Some of these interactions are for boons and Adrenaline:

  • applies Quickness
  • applies Stability and increases your overall damage
  • increases your Adrenaline
  • for increased damage.

Some of them are for a direct buff to your stats:

  • increases your Power, Precision and Ferocity
  • increases your Precision and Ferocity.

is a very powerful tool! This skill has a host of effects:

  • It blocks the next incoming damage
  • If the block is triggered, the counter-attack deals damage and Dazes nearby enemies
  • During this counter-attack, you have a small Evasion window
  • Finally, it resets your Burst skill.

greatly increases your damage. This trait is triggered when you use your Burst skill or . Here are somethings to know about this trait:

  • It can only trigger every 12 seconds
  • It cannot be active on more than one enemy at once so be careful when using as it may trigger on a random enemy
  • It ticks Might every second that it is tethered
  • If you break the 600 Range threshold, you will Pull the enemy to you or inflict Defiance Break.

Some useful things to know about Hammer:

  • is a nice chunk of damage. Make sure to use it as often as possible.
  • inflicts a Knockback on foes. Take care not to send enemies flying away from your damage.
  • resets the Cooldown of , so make sure to use the latter first. deals increased Defiance Break to Weakened enemies. What a coincidence that applies Weakness.
  • should be used on Cooldown. It is an AoE attack that inflicts Stun, it deals decent damage and can also be used for gap closing.

Some useful things to know about Dagger and Mace:

  • deals solid damage, causes you to leap to your target and will strip boons
  • should only be used for movement or engaging as it does very little damage
  • inflicts a decent amount of Daze
  • does decent damage, inflicts Vulnerability and grants you Might
  • will Knockdown up to six enemies. It also resets the Cooldown of .

and can be used to trigger for a nice damage increase. Although you should save if you need Defiance Break and if you need the healing.

Every crowd-control applied also strip boons because of .

can be used to give yourself Fury, Swiftness and to top up your Might.

should be used wisely. Don't waste it and stand there like a numpty. Everyone will see that you wasted it and sat there spinning with a big golden orb around you. They know. You know. We all know. Save it for when you know you will trigger it.

is a strong skill. It has a short Cooldown and also Condition Removal.

You receive passive life regeneration as long as you keep using your Burst skills because of .

You can use to escape tricky situations. You can also use if it's available.

Skill Defiance Break Source
100–250 Dagger
300 Mace
150 Hammer
300-400 Hammer
300 Utility
100 Burst
100 Burst


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