General Gameplay Tips
Most of your damage comes from using , and and entering right after. Try to tweak your rotation to do this as many times as possible during a phase and be ready to do your opening again after every downtime.
When you need to replace a utility skill, always replace .
On bosses with short phases where you don't need Breakbar Damage, replace with . Use before the phase starts and use then exit and proceed with your opener as normal.
can be replaced with to precast its before a burst phase. shines on encounters with clear cut burst windows and long downtimes, but make sure you do not need the high Breakbar Damage 's provides.
Always try to avoid all unnecessary incoming damage. Make use of at your own discretion.
Known Issues and Bugs
- often fails to connect most of its hits under a wide range of circumstances. Solution: Try to stand inside the hitbox of the target.
- Player gets stuck "floating" after casting , unable to use any other skill until the player moves. Solution: Input a movement command during/right at the end of the animation.
- ignores current target and charges forward instead, often through the enemy. There is no solution without drawbacks.
Alternatively, a player can decide not to use altogether if these issues are a common occurrence. Replace the skill's cast with an autochain for a very minor DPS loss.
Spirit Vale
Vale Guardian

General Reaper Tips
You will drop out of more frequently due to .
Make sure you don't accidentally Pull in Seekers with . Try to aim them to the side of Vale Guardian or, if you are tanking at the wall, you can aim them into the wall. Mind however that aiming it at a cliff will cause the skill to miss entirely.
Save to help CC Vale Guardian if your squad needs it, but be aware of the fact that will kill your minions very quickly. You can also use if you don't need the cc.
The first will kick you out of shroud so you'll have to start your rotation as soon as possible. This is not an issue when tanking in the middle.
If you have no one to strip the Blue Guardian you can use . This will strip the debuff and allow you to DPS.
will help apply some quick Vulnerability.
You can use all your skills on the Blue Guardian as they will be ready again by the time you are back at Vale Guardian.
Use to help CC the Blue Guardian and Green Guardian. You also have and .
Split Phases
If you have no one to strip the Blue Guardian you can use . This will strip the debuff and allow you to DPS.
will help apply some quick Vulnerability.
You can use all your skills on the Blue Guardian as they will be ready again by the time you are back at Vale Guardian.
Use to help CC the Blue Guardian and Green Guardian. You also have and .
Gorseval the Multfarious

General Reaper Tips
You need to start your rotation quickly so you aren't using during Vivid Echo.
If you have trust issues, you can use to give yourself Stability to prevent the Knockback from , otherwise use it every time you enter shroud to reduce incoming damage to your life force.
Split Phase
You don't need to skill save during the split phase as all of your skills will be back off Cooldown by the time you are back at Gorseval.
You can use to Chill the Charged Souls if they are getting close to Gorseval.
Use the end of the split phase to build up your Life Force a bit!
Breakbar Phase
You can drop just as the Breakbar Phase starts. This will help support your subgroup during this phase.
You can help CC with , , , and .
Remember that Life Force will drain extremely quickly during the Breakbar Phase! Luckily, after each Breakbar Phase adds will spawn. This will help replenish your Life Force.
Sabetha the Saboteur

General Reaper Tips
You can aim to Pull in adds if they aren't under control.
You can help CC Knuckles with , , , and .
Salvation Pass

General Reaper Tips
You can aim to Pull in Slublings. Once they are Pulled in, you can Blind them with or .
If your subgroup lacks a Stun Break or some way to prevent the Fear after each Breakbar Phase, you can take . This is a personal Stun Break and will convert conditions to boons.
Breakbar Phase
You can help CC with , , and .
You also have . This will attempt to Pull multiple Slublings when you use this skill, including your squad member who is transformed. Make sure you use directly inside Slothasor's hitbox to avoid Pulling anything friendly!
If you're scared about the Fear after each Breakbar Phase, you can use to grant yourself Stability, otherwise use it every time you enter shroud to reduce incoming damage to your life force.
Stronghold of the Faithful
Keep Construct

General Reaper Tips
If you are not getting Aegis for , you can use to grant yourself Stability. This will still drain a good chunk of life force and potentially kick you out of shroud.
Take advantage of the adds that spawn. You may be able to use on them and Keep Construct at the same time. If the add is under 50% health, your will Recharge. Try to always cleave the adds when attacking the boss.
Delay until the burn phase. It will provide a significant spike in your DPS.
You can help CC with , , , and .

General Reaper Tips
You can aim to Pull in adds if they aren't under control. Once they are Pulled in, you can Blind them with and .
is useful for add control and Breakbar damage.
can be useful in the second phase to help strip boons if Xera manages to get into any shard AoEs.
You can help CC with , , and .
On an unrelated note, is a very cool and unique skill.
Bastion of the Penitent
Cairn the Indomitable

General Reaper Tips
You will drop out of more frequently due to the absence of adds. This is especially true when skipping .
You can use to provide yourself with Stability to skip .
If you get ported by , use to get back to Cairn quickly.
Mursaat Overseer

General Reaper Tips
You will drop out of more frequently on this fight due to the constant incoming damage.
Mursaat Overseer is just a DPS golem. Take this as an opportunity to practise your rotation.

General Reaper Tips
Use during each Breakbar Phase inside of Samarog's hitbox to deal maximum Breakbar damage and replenish your Life Force.
Try to reset your burst rotation between each Breakbar Phase.
Take care during the split phase with . It's very easy to accidentally Pull Rigom away from Samarog.
If someone betrays you when you are targeted with the mechanic, you can enter . You will have enough health to survive the mechanic.
You can help CC with , , , and .

General Reaper Tips
You don't have access to any blocks with this build. This means you will always have to run to the middle for every .
You can use on the Prides and Greeds. Try to cleave Deimos and them at the same time. If one of the adds is under 50% health, it will reset the Cooldown on .
You might struggle with Life Force for the first 50% of the fight as there are no adds. Once the Prides and Greeds start spawning, you should have enough Life Force. The hands will also give you Life Force at the end of each split phase.
Split Phase
If Saul manages to steal boons from your squad. You can use to remove some of them.
You can use all your skills at the split phase as they will be ready again by the time you are back at Deimos.
The Breakbar at each of the split phases are very small. Don't waste all your CC immediately on a single Breakbar. You have access to , , , and .
Hall of Chains

General Reaper Tips
If you have no access to boon strip, you could drop for . If Dhuum still has boons, you can use to remove the final few.
Take advantage of the Enforcer that spawns with Dhuum. You can use it to reset the Cooldown of your .
After each , you will be stuck only casting on Staff.
You can use to deal with mechanics. It has a low Cooldown and can be used to get back and forth from Dhuum.
Mythwright Gambit
Conjured Amalgamate

General Reaper Tips
Delay your in order to Pull in the Swords. If these are under control, you can use to help CC the Shields.
You also can use , , , and to CC the shields.
Delay your burst until Conjured Amalgamate has Sword debuffs. Your burst skills can be considered:

General Reaper Tips
Reaper is the perfect class to do solo Lamp. You have a lot of crowd control in the form of Blind, Stun, Pull and .
The first lamp:
- For the first room you can use .
- The second room can simply be auto attacked down with your .
- You can use for the third room.
- The fourth room can be killed with and . You can also Pull them together with .
- The final room can be killed with .
The second lamp:
- For the first room you kill them by auto attacking in .
- The second room can be cleared with and auto attacking in .
- You can use for the third room.
- The fourth room can be killed with and .
- The final room can be killed with . Use to Pull them together.
Main Phase Tips
You can Pull the Greater Lava Elementals with if no one else is controlling them. You can also Fear them with 's flipover skill, and . You can also Stun them with .
You can Pull the Greater Lava Elementals with if no one else is controlling them. You can also Fear them with 's flipover skill, and . You can also Stun them with .
If you need to, you can replace with to remove any boons that are on Qadim. This might come in handy if your squad skips the Stability Pyre. You can remove the Stability for the duration of the Breakbar Phase.
Key of Ahdashim
Cardinal Adina

General Reaper Tips
Make sure you don't take Pillar, almost all of your DPS skills are melee.
During the split phase, don't waste your at the 75% split. It won't be back off Cooldown for the main phase.
For the remaining split phases, you can use . Use to grant yourself Stability to ignore the Knockback from .
You can also destroy the projectile from by using .
Cardinal Sabir

General Reaper Tips
After each Breakbar Phase, you can use to quickly get back to Sabir.
Make sure that you don't waste your burst if a Breakbar Phase is about to occur.
In the final phase, you can go and deal with the adds. You have a lot of Breakbar damage and can quickly burst them down.
You have no way to avoid the one-hit shockwave. You are forced to take the Tornados or use Flash Discharge over the shockwave to avoid it.
You can help CC with , , , and .