Skill Reference Guide
Mace & Axe | Default Keybind |
Auto Attack Chain | |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Spear | Default Keybind |
Auto Attack | |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Citadel Order | Default Keybind |
F2 |
F3 |
F4 |
Item | Stat |
Ritualist'sHelm |
Ritualist'sShoulders |
Ritualist'sCoat |
Ritualist'sGloves |
Ritualist'sLeggings |
Ritualist'sBoots |
Item | Stat |
Ritualist'sBackpiece |
Ritualist'sAccessory |
Ritualist'sAccessory |
Ritualist'sAmulet |
Ritualist'sRing |
Ritualist'sRing |
Relic |
Primary Weapon Set | |
Ritualist's MaceMain Hand |
Ritualist's AxeOff Hand |
Secondary Weapon Set |
Ritualist's SpearMain Hand |
Other Items |
Enrichment |
Food |
Utility |
Jade Bot Core |
Legendary Stance Swap while below 10 Energy to activate , giving you more Energy to use for more damaging skills.
Use as often as possible to share Alacrity with allies.
Kalla's Fervor is a Renegade specific mechanic. It plays an important role and here's what you should know:
Using a skill with grant you Band Together for the next four seconds. This enhances the next skill and can be useful due to the utility gained:
Only Dodge when necessary, as grants additional 33% Critical Chance when at full Endurance.
should always be active while in to apply large amounts of Torment.
Pair up a Weapon set with a Legendary Stance. Aim to Legendary Stance Swap Weapon Swap to you trigger your weapon sigils twice.
Pair up a weapon set with each stance, swap weapons shortly after swapping stances.
Follow this skill priority on your Spear set:
Keep in mind that reduces the Cooldown of .
Some useful things to know about :
Follow this skill priority on your Mace & Axe set:
You can use as a gap-closer or as addtional soft Defiance Break.
Some useful things to know about :
can be difficult to aim, so try to use it close to enemies or on big enemies.
Use to Heal yourself and allies.
grants Life Siphon to allies at a moderate Energy cost.
You can Stun Break with or .
This build has little access to defensive skills, but brings a lot of Vitality. Focus on positioning well and make use of ranged attacks when necessary.
Skill | Defiance Break | Source |
150 | Spear | |
200 + 400 bonus Defiance Break | ||
150 |