Skill Notes
can be replaced with:
- .
can be replaced with::
- for more casts
- for massive Defiance Break with allies.
Item | Stat |
Berserker'sHelm |
Berserker'sShoulders |
Berserker'sCoat |
Berserker'sGloves |
Berserker'sLeggings |
Berserker'sBoots |
Item | Stat |
Berserker'sBackpiece |
Berserker'sAccessory |
Berserker'sAccessory |
Assassin'sAmulet |
Berserker'sRing |
Berserker'sRing |
Primary Weapon Set | |
Berserker's StaffMain Hand |
Secondary Weapon Set | |
Berserker's AxeMain Hand |
Berserker's PistolOff Hand |
Other Items | |
Enrichment |
Food |
Utility |
Jade Bot Core |
Cast and Cantrips to gain access to , which grants allies Quickness, Might, and Fury.
Spend Initiative on Staff's .
is your highest DPS skill, but you are locked into the animation unable to dodge.
When in doubt, fall back on your strong Auto Attacks.
When fighting in melee isn't possible, swap to Axe/Pistol
Stay healthy: your damage is maximized when above 50% HP for and .
When fighting multiple lesser enemies, swap in the Deadeye Trait Line, to .
Dodge and use to Evade attacks.
is a Stun Break which restores up to 8 Initiative to cast more.
reflects projectiles and Blinds nearby enemies.
Use to transfer conditions to enemies.
Take advantage of your Stealth access to escape the attention of dangerous enemies.
Skill | Defiance Break | Source |
Stealth | 400 | Staff |
... | 90 200 ... | Staff |
200 | Pistol | |
150 per player | Alternate Elite |