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Heal Alacrity Specter Gameplay Guide

Published Dec 11, 2023 Updated Mar 15, 2025
Seisan meta team
Healing and Boons

Your Initiative and Slot Skills are inaccessible when you .

Most of the beneficial effects of all skills are granted to you, and to allies in your subgroup. Your Shrouded Ally will gain these even while away from the group.

Every Shadow Shroud skill grants Alacrity on cast via . Most grant Healing and an extra effect if you hit an enemy:

  • grants Might
  • Cleanses 2 conditions
  • grants Barrier

grants instant Stability, then Stuns enemies after a delay.

and are your primary Alacrity sources thanks to their short cast times and Cooldown.

You cannot without some Shadow Force, generated by certain actions while in combat:

  • Spending Initiative
  • Shadowstepping near allies via
  • Casting on an enemy.

Shadow Shroud absorbs damage like normal health, so you can get kicked out in high pressure encounters.

Incoming damage pressure can be mitigated by Toughness, Protection, and Barrier.

Where your effects originate

When you , you will tether to another player within 1,200 range, your Shrouded Ally, with the following priority:

  1. Directly target an ally.

    Ideally use your Take Personal Target keybind; otherwise pray and use Next Ally or Nearest Ally, or click on their icon in the party or squad UI.

  2. Cast on an ally to permanently designate them as your Shrouded Ally.
  3. Random ally within your subgroup.

Your tether, and the designation of your Shrouded Ally via , ends if you move 1,200 range away from your Shrouded Ally.

You can use ...

  • On an enemy (to trigger "when you Steal" effects like , , and ) without affecting your choice of Shrouded Ally.
  • To instantly change your Shrouded Ally during .
  • To tether a player in your subgroup that has a special role which may have them spend extended time off-group in many encounters, such as kiting, allowing them to still gain boons.

All Wells generate Resistance and Shadow Force on cast via .

All Shadowsteps generate Shadow Force and provide burst healing via and .

Applying Stealth to allies grants Barrier via and Protection via ; this guide uses the shorthand Stealth Support. However, applying Stealth to your allies also interferes with their hands-off Auto Attacking. Do note that this is extremely disruptive for Deadeye and Condition Thief, so always make sure they are in the other subgroup. This build does not bring Group Stealth in its default setup, but may swap cerain utility for it in niche scenarios.

Healing Skills

Any Heal skill generates Barrier via .

a Shadowstep Well with sustained healing pulses.

a source of Personal Stealth to enable and other trait synergies.

Elite Skills

  • a Shadowstep Well that Pulls in a moderate, expanding Radius; useful for trait interactions and dealing Defiance Break to multiple enemies.
  • superior Defiance Break against a single target with a shorter Cooldown.

Utility Skills

  • a Shadowstep Well that first grants Stability, then 8 Might. Fury and Vigor overcap heavily with traits in the Trickery Trait Line traitline. Regeneration is valuable, combined with and Stealth for full uptime.
  • provides Stealth Support, Regeneration via , and a Blast. The Stability is self-only. The Boons covered by this skill frees up your Initiative for other purposes.
  • a Shadowstep Well that Dazes enemies once, and cleanses conditions from allies on every pulse.
  • affects allies in the radius, instantly cleansing conditions and restoring 2 bars of endurance for Dodging.
  • places the exit of a portal. Cast near your allies to allow 10 players to teleport to that exit. Players taking the portal will also gain Stealth and therefore Stealth Support.
  • two Shadowsteps; take this for personal mobility to deal with certain mechanics.
  • a frequently available, projectile-destroying Smoke Combo Field, can also be situationally useful when blasting for Stealth Support.
  • provides Stealth Support and revives Downed allies.
  • inflicts 300 Defiance Break. You can prepare this skill early for an upcoming Defiance Bar, getting double usage out of extended phases e.g. Cardinal Sabir.
  • applies rapid Vulnerability.
Situational weapons and armor

Scepter/Pistol provides the best combination of Healing, Boon output, and Defiance Break. Your second weapon set should be selected for utility.

  • another off-hand Pistol with , to buff most of your Defiance Break output.
  • main-hand Sword, for stationary burst Healing via (note: this competes with the burst Healing and Barrier of on Scepter). Don't overstay your welcome on this weapon, as you lose access to Barrier and Regeneration, as well as most of your Protection!
  • Short Bow for personal mobility/Healing via , AoE Daze via , and blasting Combo Fields via .
  • Staff to reflect projectiles with (highly situational).
  • Off-hand Dagger can provide a source of Personal Stealth to enable and other trait synergies.
  • Spear with a as an alternative to for a more Initiative-efficient source of Defiance Break via . As is the case with Sword, don't overstay on this weapon.

As mentioned in the build page, a near-full set of Minstrel's is recommended when being the tank is not a concern, for maximum healing output and Shadow Force. However, there will be situations where you want to maximize your team support by, for example, freeing up your Relic for more encounter utility.

There are many gear options to achieve this goal; balance your gear between Healing Power, Concentration and Vitality (for more Shadow Force). In general, try to not drop below 95% Boon Duration! Below is an example:

  • Minstrel's prefix for your Rings and Backpiece.
  • Giver's or Harrier's prefix in the rest of your gear.

The now-free Relic can now be occupied with more utility! Here are some options:

  • boosts your Defiance Break, and scales with .
  • is readily available on cooldown via and can be a niche option in team compositions that include many Dodge-utilizing classes such as Mirage, Vindicator and Daredevil. Be sure to communicate this beforehand so your team can adapt to the extra Endurance!
  • brings projectile-reflection, when your Slot Skills are otherwise committed, as well as some Defiance Break.
  • is a more defensive option to , that instead destroys projectiles and significantly reduces incoming damage pressure.
  • , another projectile hate option that is better suited for situations where allies cannot stay as close together, as well as supplementing some Protection.

You will always want the Spectre, Shadow Arts, and Trickery trait lines, as only they provide Heal and Boon support.

Healing, Alacrity, and other Boons

  • will zero out your Shadow Force every time you , in exchange for massive Healing and Barrier output that scales according to remaining Shadow Force and how many stacks of are on you when exiting. When running tankier gear variations like Minstrel's gear, and refilling Shadow Force constantly, this trait is an alternative to increase your Healing output. Don't pick this trait if you are struggling to keep up your Shadow Force!

  • will Cleanse 3 conditions in a 360 Radius around your target when you an ally. Consider picking this in condition-heavy fights such as Slothasor.

Healing and Protection

  • When bringing a source of Personal Stealth, either or can be a viable swap to generate additional Initiative or additional Defiance Break and Boon Removal.
Boons and Initiative

  • this trait will also apply its Boons when using on an ally.
  • allows you to Steal Boons, but don't delay using too long! Like , this trait will also apply its Boons when using on an ally.
    • If the enemy has no Boons, you will apply 5 more Might to allies, allowing you to skip one cast of .
  • grants bonus Initiative to maintain Boons more easily. In certain scenarios you may prefer to boost the utility of : granting Swiftness, Stealing Boons, Condition Removal via and dynamically prioritizing your Shrouded Ally.

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