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Heal Quickness Firebrand Gameplay Guide

Published Jun 9, 2021 Updated Mar 8, 2025
Darshie meta team
Versatile Power, Stalwart Focus
I Wield Great Wisdom!

Firebrand has access to Tomes in place of core Virtues, which each replace weapon skills with a kit of skills which consume Pages to cast:

  • inflicts Burning, Pulls enemies together, and generates Might.
  • Heals allies, Cleanses conditions, and generates several supportive boons.
  • grants defensive boons like Aegis and Stability, Taunts enemies, and grants extra Toughness.

The original passive effects from core Virtues are retained;

will burn in an AoE, will grant a small Heal, and will grant AoE Aegis. These triggers have a separate cooldown, shown by Dormancy. While tomes have Dormant Justice, Dormant Resolve, or Dormant Courage, they will be unable to cause their equip effects or any other traits triggered by activating a Virtues. The Tomes are still accessible in this state, however, and should be used freely most of the time.

When in a Tome, the third Tome skill cast will refund a Page, due to

. If you're using two spells from one Tome, it is usually worth it to stay and cast a third, even if it's only a Chapter 1.

Do not ignore Tomes! If spending most a fight at full Pages, then you are likely squadering the most powerful part of Heal Quickness Firebrand's kit.

  • Chapter 1: Searing Spell: Not useful for Heal Quickness Firebrand.
  • Chapter 2: Igniting Burst: Provides a Blast Finisher.
  • Chapter 3: Heated Rebuke: Groups enemies with a Pull; use on adds.
  • Chapter 4: Scorched Aftermath: Provides a Fire Field.
  • Epilogue: Ashes of the Just: Grants 8 Might.

  • Chapter 1: Desert Bloom: Heals.
  • Chapter 2: Radiant Recovery: Cleanses 3 conditions, Heals for each.
  • Chapter 3: Azure Sun: Grants Vigor, Regen, and Swiftness, and Heals. Use off-Cooldown.
  • Chapter 4: Shining River: Pulses Healing, grants Swiftness, and provides a Water Field
  • Epilogue: Eternal Oasis: Amplifies all Healing done to allies by 33%, and Converts 5 conditions to boons.

  • Chapter 1: Unflinching Charge: Grants Swiftness and Protection. Can skip this if allies stack well.
  • Chapter 2: Daring Challenge: Inflicts Taunt in an AoE for 2s.
  • Chapter 3: Valiant Bulwark: Reflects projectiles for 5s.
  • Chapter 4: Stalwart Stand: Self Stun Break, pulses Resistance.
  • Epilogue: Unbroken Lines: Grants Aegis, Stability, Protection, and 300 Toughness to allies.
Respite, Recover, Return!

Mantras are instant-cast slot skills that grant boons to allies or inflict conditions to enemies. In both cases, their effects apply to all targets in a 160 degree cone in front of the Firebrand out to 450 units, or in a 180 Radius around them. This means when using them it is very important to make sure the desired targets are in the forward cone. It can help to take a step backward into max-melee range to ensure this.

Each Firebrand mantra has 3 Charges, which are replenished on a short Cooldown. If the third is used, however, the entire skill is placed on a longer Cooldown, after which all 3 Charges will be available again. To make up for this, the third cast has heightened effects.

causes the final cast of mantras to give 2 Pages. Otherwise, Pages only regenerate once every 8 seconds, so this can be a significant increase. Use this to fuel aggressive Tome usage.

An Eternal Armory

For purposes of tanking certain encounters or for survivability, gear stats may be freely switched between Harrier's and Giver's, trading power for toughness 1 to 1. Whichever piece of gear is swapped does not matter, whatever is most convenient. Make sure to check toughness stats with the other subgroup's healer, and anyone else who may also have increased toughness. Do not use Minstrel's gear, as this has less Concentration per piece, and may cause boons to start dropping off of allies in some cases.

Spear can be used instead of Axe/Shield for more healing. This has less Defiance Break, and loses an Aegis application. If doing so, use

through both allies and the boss, to Heal and gain Illuminated. Only use with Illuminated active. Use to Cleanse conditions, and to grant Resistance. Do not use spear when tanking, as the movement can and will cause issues.

Mace can be used instead of Axe for more healing, but has no Fury output and loses a Pull. Make sure that the subgroup has an alternate Fury source before doing this, and use

to help. Use closer to the stack, as the symbol is placed directly under the Guardian instead of in front of them. Use to generate Aegis and Protection; use less threatening attacks to proc this effect, see below.

(Mace 3 ) does not behave like other Block skills. While channeling, the next attack that hits an ally within 240 Radius is Blocked, then Aegis is applied. This means that if an attack strikes the guardian and their ally simultaneously, will Block for the ally, and the attack will hit the guardian. Do not attempt to use this to Block any threatening attack if another ally may also be hit by the same instance of damage, to ensure that the "ally" being blocked for is you.

Choice! Freedom! Liberation!

Utility Skills

  • : Pulses Knockback and Healing, Blocks Projectiles. Use for long Defiance Bars, where it can pulse many times.
  • : 3s Knockdown, use for short Defiance Bars.
  • : Cleanses conditions, grants Regeneration, and grants extra Pages.
  • for Stability.
  • for Aegis.
  • for pulsing Healing, can be used at long range.
  • to Heal and Revive allies, and for mobility by teleporting to allies.
  • for backup Projectile Reflect.
  • for spammable Projectile Block.
  • for even more Stability.
  • to Immobilize an enemy.
  • to Revive an ally fully.

Elite Skills

  • for wide AoE Quickness, Fury, and Superspeed.
  • for Stability. Breaks Stuns for allies.
  • grants passive Healing, and a burst Heal that pulses boons.
  • : Grants Invulnerable for 3 seconds, then recharges all Tome passives. Niche.

Cleanses 3 conditions whenever entering (without Dormant Resolve). This can be used to cleanse without using a Page. Use this if Cleansing frequently is needed more than raw Healing.

reduces the time pages take to regenerate. This drops , losing some Resistance and Might output. allows the retained resolve passive to Heal allies.

may be taken for additional Quickness output. Take this trait if your subgroup is frequently stacking very poorly or moving for mechanics, and make sure to have aegis and stability applications to trigger it with. Taking this trait will noticeably reduce Page recovery.

increases damage output a bit, if not using any consecrations this is technically better.

Valor Trait Line can be taken instead of Virtues Trait Line, sacrificing some Healing and boon output for more Aegis spam with

and high personal healing with .

Vale Guardian, Spirit Run, Gorseval the Multifarious, & Sabetha the Saboteur

Weapon Sets

Cycle through

and use to ensure your subgroup is fully healed before each green circle hit, and to heal up afterward. can be used on the Red Guardian team to support them from afar, along with Staff skills.


on top of Vale Guardian just before each Defiance Bar to cc, and heal the group during it as a bonus.


to Knockback Seekers when they are nearby the group, then cast the flipover for a quick heal.


Weapon Sets


and to grant Stability and Aegis, and use for group Superspeed. Use to rejoin the group.


Weapon Sets

Use Epilogue: Unbroken Lines whenever Gorseval is casting

, to prevent the Knockback. can also be used for this to save on Pages if necessary.

As Gorseval begins to cast

, use Chapter 2: Daring Challenge, and all other Defiance Break available in the kit until the bar is gone. Use during the rampage AoEs to ensure your squadmates do not Down.

Pull ghosts into the group with


If more Immobilize is needed to handle the Charged Souls, drop

for .


Weapon Sets

Use Epilogue: Unbroken Lines whenever Sabetha casts

, to ensure no players will be Knocked back into certain doom by conniving Bandit Thugs. Pull problematic adds in with .


skills and to handle damage pressure, especially if the group is taking heavy damage from a mechanic. Use to mitigate damage. Use Chapter 2: Radiant Recovery and Epilogue: Eternal Oasis to cleanse Karde's Burning.

If kiting

, replace with for added mobility.

Slothasor, Bandit Trio, & Matthias Gabrel

Weapon Sets

Frequently blast Light Fields and use

to handle the Poison stacks from the arena and conditions from Slubling projectiiles. Use to give extra Quickness to allies who miss your mantra casts to drop or eat an Imbued Mushroom.


whenever Slothasor uses Narcolepsy and sits down, use other Defiance Break skills, and cast Epilogue: Unbroken Lines before the boss Fears the group. If that is still on Cooldown, the Resistance from or Chapter 4: Stalwart Stand will ignore it long enough to Cleanse it instead.


, first Dodge, then immediately cast Epilogue: Eternal Oasis Chapter 2: Radiant Recovery, and use a charge, to Cleanse damaging conditions off squadmates who forgot to Dodge.


to Pull Slublings, and do not Knockback them with . If your group's add control is poor, use Chapter 3: Valiant Bulwark to block projectiles; this will stop working when Evolved Slublings spawn, though.

If your squad does not need your axe Pull, Spear can be taken for more rapid Cleanses and Resistance output.


Weapon Sets


and Chapter 3: Heated Rebuke to Pull bandits together.

When fighting Zane, trigger

with crowd control and use Chapter 4: Stalwart Stand to grant Resistance to negate the Blind.

At Narella, cast

; shortly before that Stability wears off, cast , to make sure your subgroup is never abducted by .


Weapon Sets


for Defiance Break to save squadmates from Blood Sacrifice, and do not put it on Matthias ever. It can destroy projectiles, which will ruin the mechanic during Blood Shield.


if the group is spread out for so that you don't miss allies.

Use Chapter 3: Valiant Bulwark during Blood Shield, just as Matthias points to cast

, to Reflect them.


to Heal allies during damage pressure, and use to help allies move for mechanics. If you get mechanics, use to return to group quickly.

During Ice phase, continually use Chapter 4: Stalwart Stand and cc skills for Resistance to ignore Chilled.

During Water phase, use Epilogue: Unbroken Lines periodically to prevent Knockdowns. Cast Epilogue: Unbroken Lines again at 40%, when Matthias transforms, and use Chapter 4: Stalwart Stand to negate the Fear.

Siege the Stronghold, Keep Construct, Twisted Castle, & Xera

Weapon Sets

is used to Immobilize Warg Bloodhounds.


for Superspeed as long as no mines are nearby.


near White Mantle, as they have several crowd-control attacks.

If healing a small team capturing towers, drop

for , use to shove White Mantle out of the capture point area, and use when arriving at a new tower.


Weapon Sets


for Keep Construct's Defiance Bar once both Xera's Embrace stacks are gone.


skills and to Heal and Cleanse allies during , especially if allies are prone to standing under Keep Construct in the condition ring.

can be used for Stability if Epilogue: Unbroken Lines is on Cooldown.


Weapon Sets


and when fighting White Mantle to prevent crowd-control, and use Chapter 3: Heated Rebuke to group them together. Do not use unless absolutely certain no Haunting Statues will be Pulled.

Cleanse conditions on allies with

and .

can be taken if Superspeed is desired, but tell your squad.


Weapon Sets

Pull in adds as frequently as possible with

to make the fight more comfortable. Chapter 3: Heated Rebuke may also make cleaving them easier.


for Xera's Defiance Bar. Use Epilogue: Unbroken Lines when the orbs start radiating out to keep teammates they hit from being Floated.


while Xera casts . Chapter 2: Radiant Recovery Epilogue: Eternal Oasis also work.

During the second phase, hold on to

, and use it to grant Quickness to allies in or returning from minigame platforms. can be used to supplement this as well, taken alongside instead of .

Cairn the Indomitable, Mursaat Overseer, Samarog, & Deimos

Weapon Sets

When Cairn casts

, go into and cast Epilogue: Unbroken Lines to grant your subgroup Stability. If it is still on cooldown, use , making sure to be careful with positioning and facing.


, and to Heal allies, especially those holding off of the group. Note that will teleport you, don't target over allies if you have yourself.

Try to make sure your Symbols and other passive healing AoEs hit as many targets as possible.


Weapon Sets


to Aegis through Jade Soldiers' . Use to heal up afterward for those who still got hit, or whenever being damaged by .


Weapon Sets

If your squad needs a reliable way to position Rigom, swap from Axe/Shield to Hammer, and use

to Launch him into position underneath Samarog during split phases.


, , Chapter 2: Daring Challenge, Chapter 3: Heated Rebuke, , , for Defiance Break. If using a Hammer, use on Defiance Bars.

Grant Stability with

, Epilogue: Unbroken Lines, or just by entering , to negate .


Weapon Sets


and Epilogue: Unbroken Lines to Aegis through , and for as well if you cannot go into the ward, quickly. Mace can also be used for even more Aegis application, but use it to block autoattacks only, due to the self-sacrificial behavior of .


to Heal through big damage, like Weak Minded, an expanded , or a hand-kite messing up. Try to heal Saul if he takes damage (on normal mode).

At 10%, use

and Epilogue: Unbroken Lines to prevent the Knockback of .

If you suspect your hand kite may randomly Down, swap

to to potentially prevent a wipe.

Soulless Horror, River of Souls, Statues of Grenth, & the Voice in the Void

Weapon Sets

If playing Heal Quickness Firebrand at Soulless Horror, the player will likely need to be one of two tanks. Trade tanking duties with Issue Challenge when Necrosis stacks expire. While Fixated, cycle through different Aegis applications, since Necrosis increases the damage you receive.


at the start of the fight to Block Projectiles, then hold it until 66%. Cast it as Soulless Horror channels , just before the first Defiance Bar appears. Use it only for Defiance Bars, as it can disrupt the Tormented Dead.

gives Superspeed for repositioning. Frequently use to Cleanse conditions, especially when Soulless Horror uses .

Consider swapping to a Mace for more Aegis and Healing. Use

to Block autoattacks, potentially if you really trust allies.


Weapon Sets

If in front, use

, , and Epilogue: Unbroken Lines frequently to Block ticking damage and grant Aegis. Cycle through and use to keep people alive.

If escorting Desmina, grant her Aegis to Block Hollowed Bombers' attacks. Use

to help keep her moving quickly. If Desmina takes damage, use Epilogue: Eternal Oasis and Heal her.


Weapon Sets

At Broken King, use

, , and to heal faraway allies. Use Epilogue: Unbroken Lines and for Aegis if forced to stand in autoattacks.

At Eater of Souls, use

, , and to heal teammates far away if you are tanking, and use Epilogue: Unbroken Lines to keep allies from being launched by the shockwave.

At Eyes of Grenth, make sure you have

equipped. Pick up Light Orbs and use Flare to Stun, chaining it until both Eyes are defeated.


Weapon Sets

If kiting, use

, , Superspeed orbs, and (targeted onto an ally) for mobility. Make sure to have Swiftness whenever not under the effects of Superspeed.

If on main group, use

on Reapers to leave group while baiting shackles, or to take Greens when they come up. If tanking, swap to .

At 10%, before allies move to interact with the seals, cast Chapter 3: Azure Sun

Epilogue: Unbroken Lines .

Conjured Amalgamate, Sorting and Appraisal, Twin Largos, & Qadim

Weapon Sets

During Conjured Amalgamate's arm phases, use

and Epilogue: Unbroken Lines to Aegis through , making sure not to have it stripped by the start of the fight.


and Chapter 3: Heated Rebuke to group up Conjured Greatswords. Use those skills, , and to break Defiance Bars of Conjured Shields.

When collection phase starts, make sure to have Quickness stacked up on the group. Use

for an extra bit of Superspeed.


Weapon Sets


to pull Minipets into position; use and on Minipet Defiance Bars.


and for Ectoplasmic Conglomeration and Dreg Shark Defiance Bars.


Weapon Sets


and to Stability and Aegis through attacks. can also Stun Break allies who get Floated or Launched.


on top of Nikare or Kenut during their Defiance Bar to break it and Block Projectiles. It can also be used as a healing skill on the first platforms.


and aggressively to keep people alive, burn mantras for extra Pages, especially on the last platform when receiving stacks of Aquatic Aura.


Weapon Sets

While fighting Qadim's Hydra, Apocalypse Bringer, and Wyverns, cast

just before their Defiance Bars, then use , , and Tome skills to help deplete it.

Epilogue: Unbroken Lines and

grant Aegis, these can be used to prevent damage from several high-threat attacks, like . Use to prevent the Knockback from .

If the squad needs help Pulling Greater Magma Elementals, use

to yoink one.

Cardinal Sabir, Cardinal Adina, & Qadim the Peerless

Weapon Sets


, Chapter 2: Daring Challenge, Chapter 3: Heated Rebuke, , and for Defiance Break during Electrical Repulsion. These can be used to try and force the Ion Shield Defiance Bar as well, coordinated with squadmates.

Try to upkeep Resistance to negate the Weakness tornadoes apply with

when people are lifted.


skills and whenever people are taking heavy damage. Don't cast , it's just there for the passive Heal.


Weapon Sets


and to block the damage dealt during , and from other attacks that may hit the group. Epilogue: Unbroken Lines should only be used if the increased toughness will not turn Cardinal Adina around.

During the Hands phases, use Chapter 3: Valiant Bulwark

Chapter 3: Valiant Bulwark to catch projectiles from the Hands of Eruption.


whenever damage is spiking, especially during the Hands phases and the last 25% when receiving Eroding Curse stacks.


Weapon Sets

If tanking, frequently use

skills to sustain through autoattacks, either cleansing the Vulnerability they apply, or upkeep Resistance with Chapter 4: Stalwart Stand and by triggering to nullify the condition. Dodging can be used to negate one set of , and heal a little in the process via .


for additional Healing on the tank, or for pylon kiters who take too much damage or struggle to sustain on their own.

Make sure Mantras are cast while facing the group; the cone is 160 degrees wide, so this is usually not hard to do. Stand as close as possible to Qadim the Peerless to ensure the cone AoE reaches far enough. Cast

off-Cooldown, since often will not reach the rest of the squad when tanking.

When Entropic Distortions show up, cast

Chapter 3: Heated Rebuke to break their Defiance Bar while they are standing in fire fields to destroy them.

Use Epilogue: Unbroken Lines to Stability through the pushback of

, especially after Qadim the Peerless destroys pylons later in the fight.

Consider swapping Virtues Trait Line to Valor Trait Line for more personal survivability when tanking, through


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