Mythwright Gambit - Qadim

in this encounter, you will hold Qadim's aggro while the rest of the squad fights his minions.
You won't need much sustain to survive on your own, and this build's ranged damage is perfect for quickly killing Lava Elementals. If these small summoned minions reach the boss, they grant him stacks of Fiery Surge, increasing his attack speed and outgoing damage.
Killing the nearest Lava Elemental with Spear's is sufficient to keep you healthy during the kiting phase, if Qadim does not get stacks of Fiery Surge.
If you're feeling unsafe, swap in the Deadly Arts Trait Line to . Your cooldown is fully refunded when you kill a Lava Elemental, allowing you to easily sustain yourself with just this trait.
If your group needs a portal for the Pyre Guardian, swap to and swap to . Cast in a safe spot near Qadim, run to the Pyre Guardian with your subgroup to kill it, then cast to return. Use in your rotation for Stealth to refill Initiative.
Kiting Phase
This boss's kiting phases occur when Qadim has 100%, 66% and 33% health. At the start of these phases, one player must stay on the same triangular platform as the boss to hold his aggro.
Note the blue sections and thick gold lines on the platform. A "safe spot" is either of the two blue sections in a corner of the triangle. Do not stand on the thick gold lines!
Once the rest of your squad has completed the Lamp mechanic, Qadim will rush to the center of the arena, and your solo job is done. Until the next 33% phase begins, you're just a DPS player.
Stand in a safe spot. Use and your Stolen Skill to kill the Lava Elementals. If your target survives, cast or use a Cantrip to generate another Stolen Skill.
Qadim has a fixed attack sequence. Due to your positioning, you are unaffected by the auto-attacks (out of range) and the Fire Lines (flames that trace the platform's line pattern, avoiding the blue sections you stand on). Avoiding the Meteor attack is simple, as it targets you with a ground indicator for a couple seconds. You only really need to worry about the Knockback.
- Auto (x 2) Knockback
- ... Fire Lines Auto (x2) Knockback
- ... Meteor
After that, you'll need to change platform.
During the 33% phase (when your allies are fighting Wyverns), there is an unfortunate glitch which causes you to lose aggro from Qadim. To avoid this bug, tank Qadim on the platforms in the sequence diagrammed below as 1 2 3:
DPS Phase
Your rotation is described on this build's main page. Remember you can boonstrip the Protected guardian by precasting .
Don't spend too much Initiative fighting the Pyre Guardian, and don't summon until you take the portal back to Qadim.
During this phase, three Greater Magma Elementals will escort gangs of Lava Elementals to Qadim. If the Lava Elementals reach the boss, they will grant him stacks of Fiery Surge, increasing his attack speed and outgoing damage. Don't let this happen or your kiting job will be much more dangerous! While you don't have any useful pull to drag the Magma Elementals away from their gangs, use your Spear combos and activate to kill them as soon as they come in range. Use instead of to strike 3 targets.
If you don't have high squad damage, you'll have to deal with a Defiance Bar.
Spam on the bar. You can use for more Initiative. If that's still not enough, swap to .
Key of Ahdashim - Qadim the Peerless

In this encounter, you'll take charge of a Pylon to siphon its power away from Qadim the Peerless. You'll leverage and the excellent self-buffing trait to stay healthy and deadly.
This fight has many phases and details, but your role is relatively simple: shoot the boss with your Rifle and catch a big shiny Orb using /.
This build has been tuned for increased damage with a more complicated rotation compared to the classic, intuitive rotation. This build is still very durable, but every Kite Deadeye requires you deal good damage to the boss to stay healthy.
/ results in slightly lower overall damage potential than a / setup, but the Ferocity bonus in the former build is always active, unlike the timed buff from . This is particularly useful when phases run long, or when improvising your rotation with Spear during the last 20% of the fight.
Both setups are more than sufficient to comfortably survive and deal high damage while kiting.
Phase | Mechanic |
100% | Break Pylon Defiance Bar |
100-80% | Catch first Orb |
80% | Fire Drop Pylon Defiance Bar |
80-60% | Catch second Orb |
60% | Fire Drop Pylon Defiance Bar |
40% | Qadim destroys North Pylon |
40-30% | Continue Kiting; no Orb |
30% | Qadim destroys Southwest Pylon |
30-20% | Continue Kiting; no Orb |
20% | Qadim destroys Southeast Pylon |
20%-0% | Join group; start stripping boons with Spear |
Pylon Control
At the start of the encounter, each pylon is hostile to the players, floating there, menacingly.
Activate your Flux Disruptor using your Special Action
keybind before the fight starts.
Whenever pylons are hostile, a white, spiky electrical current (resembling a shark fin) will trace the lines of the arena between the Pylons and Qadim. Don't stand on the lines, as the electrical current will deal roughly half your total HP and inflict Burning and Weakness.
If another player ever gets Downed on the white lines, don't stand on it while reviving them.
At the start of each phase, you and your allies will need to break your Pylon's Defiance Bar to take control away from Qadim. So long as you (or another player) stand next to the Pylon with your Flux Disruptor active, the Pylon will benefit your party. A visible energy tether will connect players to the Pylon.
To break your Pylon's Defiance Bar, you have two options:
- Contribute a little bit, using after your allies apply Cripple/Chilled/Immobilize
- Handle half the bar via Stolen Skill x3 to get an Initiative refund from
The second option obviously seems better, but it falls apart if your allies help with CC too quickly and flip the Pylon from enemy to ally before you reach 7 Malice. Tell your allies to start CCing after the Pylon's Defiance Bar drops to 50%.
After all Pylons have been claimed, Qadim will unleash a delayed Knockback shockwave across the entire arena. Dodge through this shockwave as it reaches you.
While tethered to the Pylon, you gain the effect Kinetic Abundance, which constantly grants a few valuable boons—most notably Quickness and Alacrity. You'll generate your other key boons via .
Orb Catch
During the 100%, 80%, and 60% phases, three Orbs will be launched by Qadim to land in between the three Pylons. Most groups will have kiters catch the orb that lands on their left-hand side.
Orbs are launched every 5% (e.g. 95%/90%/85%). The orbs have a cylical order which carries over between runs, even if an attempt wiped partway through the run. The practical upshot is that in any single run, if your orb catch occurred at 90% (i.e. the 2nd catch), then it will also occur at 70% and 50%.
Every player tethered to a Pylon will apply a stack of Erratic Energy to Qadim, increasing all damage dealt to the boss.
Every Orb you catch allows your tether to chain to another player if they activate their Flux Disruptor and stands close enough to the primary tethered player. This is uncommon in most runs, but it takes no extra input from you besides kiting at the very front of your Pylon's tether radius.
At 40% and 30% phase transitions, Qadim will destroy the North and Southwest Pylons. If your Pylon is destroyed, join another Pylon to continue applying Erratic Energy to the boss—observe the primary tethered player connecting to you with the familiar energy chain.
If your Orb hits the ground, it will inflict heavy damage over time to the entire squad. Use preemptively to catch the orb—you have a couple seconds before your Pylon is automatically reclaimed by Qadim. Use to return to your Pylon.
When you return to the Pylon, you will automatically deposit your Orb. If another player ever catches an Orb on behalf of one of the kiters (e.g. you or another kiter was Downed), that player will need to tether with the Pylon. To do so, tell them to activate their Special Action
Flux Disruptor.
If this mix-up occurs during the first phase (100-80%) before a Pylon has received any Orb, then the resident kiter won't be able to sub-tether to the other player who caught the Orb. In this edge case, the kiter needs to step out of range of the Tether for just a second. When the other player deposits the Orb, they can return to the group, and the Kiter can resume their normal role.
Remind this player to turn off their Flux Disruptor when they return to Qadim!
Getting Bullied by Qadim
Your tank will be directing some attacks between two Pylons, to avoid targeting you with them (e.g. Force of Havoc "road" and Ether Strikes "cone"). If you notice your tank directs these attacks toward your right-hand side, try to stay on the left-hand side of your Pylon for safety. If the cone attack targets you, don't panic— can sustain you through the attack as long as you perform a good rotation and move outside the cone's followup attacks.
When targeted with Rain of Chaos (triple expanding AoE), your -walk speed is fast enough to walk out of the first AoE. Keep up your rotation and Dodge through the others.
Periodically throughout the fight, Qadim will gain a Defiance Bar and project a beam of energy to a pylon. This disables Kinetic Abundance (and its boons) and applies Slow, Weakness, and Vulnerability to the kiter. This can endanger you, as your incoming healing is based on outgoing damage. Since your outgoing damage is reduced so heavily by this mechanic, take the time to type "Please CC, I'm being bullied"
into squad chat.
The Caustic Chaos or "arrow" mechanic starts at 60%. Qadim targets you and slams his sword on the ground, launching a ball of energy along the ground. You can either dodge (forward/backward, so you don't swing the attack into someone else) or just -jump over the projectile. You can jump during the cast of any of your skills, so continue your rotation. Qadim will track you if you use to catch your orb, so be ready to jump or Dodge! This attack usually repeats three times, but it can end early.
Fire Drops (80/60%)
At the 80%/60%/40% phase transitions, you will be lifted into the air as a ball of fire. Swap to your Spear or cast to hover at full speed.
Players must move away from the center of the arena, Pylons, and the Orb catch locations. When players drop back to the arena, they deposit large fields of lava. After a few seconds, the lava activates, dealing extremely high damage to players.
These lava fields are used to kill the Anomalies which spawn throughout the fight. Dealing with these enemies is not in your job description, so just drop the fire where you're told.
Prescribing a "Fire Drop" strategy is beyond the scope of this guide, but you can find a strategy on the full boss guide.
Pylon Destruction (40/30/20%)
Once Qadim crosses each health threshold, he will charge at a Pylon—Dodge so you don't get flattened! Stand outside the AoE indicator forming underneath Qadim and continue your rotation. A large shockwave will knock you backwards shortly after Qadim destroys the Pylon (specifically, right after he drops his hands to waist level) and creates a damaging debris field. Getting hit by this shockwave isn't lethal unless you put your back to a nearby fire field. Hopefully, your group provides Stability. Otherwise, time your rotation to Dodge through the shockwave.
If your North/Southwest Pylon is destroyed, remember to join another Kiter to continue applying Erratic Energy to the boss.