greatly increases your damage; try to use your Cooldowns only while this skill is active on your target.
Resolution greatly increases your damage; try to maintain 100% uptime of this boon.
Use and off Cooldown. triggers when enemies cross into or out its Radius.
Use and before using your weapon skills to ensure that you start with plenty of boons.
Follow this skill priority on your Spear:
- (if not Illuminated)
- (if Illuminated)
- (if Illuminated)
Follow this skill priority on your Greatsword:
If you replaced Greatsword with Longbow, follow this skill priority on your Longbow:
Use , , and for mobility.
Remember to try to maintain Resolution at all times. See a list of sources below:
Skill |
Source |
Spear (while Illuminated and not full health) |
Greatsword |
Utility |
(via ) |
Heal |
Resolution and Protection reduce all incoming damage by 33%. Try to maintain them both. You can gain Protection via:
essentially functions as an invulnerability window, use this to your advantage.
You have a couple of movement oriented Heal skills:
- will Heal you and Blind foes.
- will Heal and cleanse Conditions.
Use to gain Aegis and Block attacks for 3 seconds.
- Attacks made behind or to the side of your character will not be Blocked.
- Attacks made against allies near your character will also be Blocked.
- You can still use all your other skills while is active.