Generate Quickness by:
- Using while facing allies (this skill's area of effect is a small cone)
- Using one charge of every seven seconds to trigger .
Use skills whenever you have five Pages until you have 1-2 Pages. Gain Pages passively or by:
- Using three skills in the same tome grants one Page via
- Using the final charge of a mantra grants two Pages via .
Use and at the start of combat so you begin with plenty of boons.
Use Chapter 2: Igniting Burst off Cooldown.
Rotate between and Pistol & Torch, following this loose skill priority:
- Chapter 4: Scorched Aftermath
- Chapter 2: Igniting Burst
- Epilogue: Ashes of the Just
- Pistol/Torch:
- ->
Once all your skills are on Cooldown, swap to Axe & Sword:
- for a large, damaging Symbol
- to Pull enemies in.
Use and for mobility.
Chapter 3: Heated Rebuke can also be used to group enemies together.
Stand in your to Cleanse one condition every second.
You can gain boons from a few sources:
- Protection and Resolution with .
- Aegis with the and final charge of .
- Aegis, Stability, Protection, and Toughness with Epilogue: Unbroken Lines.
You also have a lot of utility within your Tomes:
- Stun Break yourself and grant Resistance with Chapter 4: Stalward Stand.
- Reflect projectiles with Chapter 3: Valiant Bulwark.
- Cleanse conditions by using (via ), Chapter 2: Radiant Recovery, and/or Epilogue: Eternal Oasis.