Willbender Flames are gained when using your Virtues and constantly damage enemies that are standing within them. Maintaining uptime on your Willbender Flames is the key to success on this build.
Just in case you forgot, these are your Virtues:
Each Virtue produces its own Willbender Flames and only one can be active at any one time. Make sure not to overlap them as they will be wasted. Each Willbender Flame has a slightly different shape but they all have the same effects.
You have a lot of traits that interact with your Virtues:
- grants Might, Regeneration or Protection
- grants Resolution
- grants +10% Damage for six seconds
- grants Swiftness
- grants Might and Fury
- grants +2% Damage, +2% Condition Damage per stack upon using a Virtue up to five stacks. You also gain a stack when you trigger your Virtue's passive.
- buffs up to 5% but reduces its duration down to four seconds.
Keep high uptime on your Symbols to activate traits from Zeal:
- to apply Vulnerability and increased Damage
- causes your Symbols to deal 30% more Damage
- grants a 2% Damage increase per stack up to a maximum of five stacks.
Use at the start of combat so you begin with plenty of boons.
Use and off Cooldown.
Space out the use of your other Virtues, and , to maintain uptime on and your Willbender Flames
Rotate between Spear and Greatsword, using big skills off Cooldown.
Follow this skill priority on your Greatsword:
- Use for Defiance Break or to group enemies.
Follow this skill priority on your Spear:
- (if not Illuminated)
- (if Illuminated)
- (if Illuminated)
Remember that you generate Vulnerability by fighting enemies inside your Symbols due to .
provides a damage boost assuming you have Aegis. Your main source of Aegis is .
Illuminated is a buff that enhances your next , or .
All skills gain Illuminated while is active.
If you are not Illuminated, you will gain the buff after using , or .
essentially functions as an invulnerability window, use this to your advantage.
Use for the following effects:
- Heal yourself every five consecutive hits
- Regeneration due to
- An Evade for 0.75 seconds.
has quite a few defensive effects:
- It provides Aegis and Stability every five consecutive hits
- Protection due to .
- It is also a Stun Break.