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Power Reaper

Published Jan 7, 2024 Updated Mar 4, 2025
Open World - February 2025 Balance
Pros +
High damage Plenty of CC Provides self boons Strong bursts Defensive options Lots of cleave
Cons -
Relies on resource management Requires accurate positioning Loses damage on moving targets
Item Stat







Item Stat








Primary Weapon Set

Berserker's DaggerMain Hand

Berserker's SwordOff Hand

Secondary Weapon Set

Berserker's GreatswordMain Hand

Other Items




Jade Bot Core

Traits & Skills
Skill Notes

can be replaced when needed:

  • for large Condition Removal

can be replaced when needed:

  • to group up enemies or as Defiance Break
  • for the Condition Removal and Damage
  • for the Condition Removal and Stun Break
  • for Protection and Stun Break
  • for mobility
  • for Life Force generation
  • for Projectile Destruction.

can be replaced when needed:

  • provides very high amounts of Defiance Break via .
Skill Reference Guide
Dagger & Sword Default Keybind
Auto Attack Chain
Greatsword Default Keybind
Auto Attack Chain
Repear's Shroud Default Keybind
Auto Attack Chain
Trait Notes

is one of the best sources of Fury and Quickness. Always slot it when you're alone and don't have Jade Protocols.

when you need more mobility.

when you need more survivability at a significant damage loss.

offers fast Vulnerability due to not having an Internal Cooldown. It synergises well with and should be used when fighting groups of enemies.

Equipment Notes

Feel free to run the same equipment as the raid build for Power Reaper. The equipment listed here is easier to obtain due to not requiring .

Staff provides decent AoE tagging. Slot in a to further leverage this.

Sword can be used in your main hand for Life Force, Boon Removal and mobility.

Focus or Warhorn can be taken instead of off hand Sword if you do not have access to Secrets of the Obscure (SotO).

  • Focus can be used for Boon Removal, Life Steal and Life Force.
  • Warhorn can be used for Life Steal, Defiance Break and Swiftness.
Relic Notes

can be replaced when needed:

  • is easy to maintain Damage buff
  • coverts Critical Strikes into Healing
  • grants Condition Removal when you use a shout
  • grants Condition Removal when you use your Heal skill
  • provides increased Movement Speed and Superspeed when entering combat
  • inflicts Vulnerability when you apply Cripple, Chilled or Immobilize
  • gain Might x 3 and Fury when you disable an enemy on a one second Cooldown
  • gain Might x 8 and Fury when you use your Heal skill on a 10 second Cooldown
  • gain Aegis, Quickness, Swiftness, Resistance and Might when you hit an enemy with your mount engage skill.
Rotation & Extras

A large chunk of your Damage comes from due its skills and passive bonuses:

  • grants you Critical Damage
  • grants you Quickness and Ferocity.

Your Auto Attacks in should not be underestimated for their Damage. They also have a few perks:

  • grants you Might
  • inflicts Vulnerability
  • reduces the Cooldown on other skills.

Gain by using or . This trait is an easy one to maintain and well worth the keeping in mind.

A good defense is a good offense - avoid taking Damage while in as the majority of your Damage comes from there. Replenish Life Force with weapon skills.

Cast your AoE skills immediately before entering and using to deal quick bursts of Damage. These are your big AoE skills:

  • .

Some useful things to know about Greatsword:

  • will have its Cooldown reset if you hit a foe with <50% health.
  • is useful for stacking up Life Force.
  • can be used to Pull groups of mobs together.

Some useful things to know about your Dagger:

  • to Immobilize and Remove Boons from a target
  • deals Damage over time and heals. Use it just before you go into .

Use your Sword skills in the following order to take advantage of how they work:

and will Life Steal and inflict Vulnerability, followed up with more Vulnerability and Chilled.

and will grant Life Force and inflict Fear, followed up with Weakness and Might.

Your Auto Attacks in are reliable sources of Damage and shouldn't be underestimated.

Cast to grant yourself Quickness, Might, Fury and Stability.

A good offense is a good defense - deal Damage to nearby enemies while not in to heal with .

Use to gain Damage Reduction whilst in . Using ends the Damage Reduction effect early and inflicts Fear.

Use or in groups to generate large amounts of Life Force quickly.

Use for mobility only. It's not worth using as a Damage skill.

acts as a Stun Break on a short Cooldown.

Skill Defiance Break Source
150 Greatsword
200 Sword
200 or 300 in melee Elite
150 per projectile, up to 750 Alternate Utility
500 - 900 on average Alternate Elite

Defiance Break values stated on from are inaccurate, while other skills such as do not list any.


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