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Heal Boon Chronomancer

Published Nov 29, 2023 Updated Mar 3, 2025
Raids - February 2025 Balance
Yulian meta team

Heal Boon Chronomancer is a versatile healer that is able to manipulate both space and time to debilitate enemies and to bolster allies.

Its most notable skill, , creates a brief rift in the space-time continuum and allows you to cast skills without them having to Recharge once you return to your original timeline. You can use it to double up on powerful skills, such as , , , or any other skills you would like to cast twice in quick succession.

Pros +
Plenty of CC Plenty of utility Tanking build
Cons -
High mastery curve Relies on resource management Requires enemy target
Power 1989
Toughness 1393
Vitality 1297
Precision 1000
Critical Chance 5%
Ferocity 0
Critical Damage 150%
Condition Damage 0
Healing Power 1450
Expertise 0
Condition Duration 0%
Concentration 1030
Boon Duration 83.66%
Item Stat







Item Stat








Primary Weapon Set

Harrier's RifleMain Hand

Secondary Weapon Set

Harrier's ScepterMain Hand

Harrier's ShieldOff Hand

Other Items




Jade Bot Core

Traits & Skills
Equipment Notes

Scepter and Shield are good weapons, but you can safely replace them with these options:

  • Dagger to attack foes from a greater distance (e.g. when kiting on Dhuum).
  • Focus to Pull foes together.
Skill Notes

You can replace with for burst healing.

Your utility and elite skills are very flexible and you should consider all options. Note that Wells and Mantras will additionally heal via and .

  • for reflecting projectiles.
  • for more frequent Aegis and Stability.
  • for group mobility.
  • to Cleanse Conditions.

For Defiance Break options, please refer to the Crowd Control section at the bottom of the page.

Trait Notes

Pick either to grant Quickness or to grant Alacrity.

Notable Chaos Change: paired with can be useful to run past insignificant foes.

Notable Inspiration Changes:

  • to revive allies quicker, but never on Cairn and Matthias.
  • when equipping a Focus to cast 4 more frequently.
  • paired with Glamour-Skills for Resistance and Superspeed.
  • with grants frequent Aegis and boon extension.
Rotation & Extras

This sequence provides your group with the most important boons at the beginning of combat.

  1. 3
  2. 4
  3. Weapon Swap
  4. 5 + F1
  5. 2 2
  6. + F2

You can obviously change the opener based on the encounter or your individual skill choices - just make sure you apply Quickness / Alacrity, Fury, and 25 Might as quickly as possible.

After your opener, you want to continuously summon Illusions and shatter Clones for:

  • Granting Alacrity / Quickness via / .
  • Healing your allies and .
  • Granting boons via and .

Cast off Cooldown to grant Regeneration via and Swiftness via .

Rifle Usage

Rifle is your primary weapon, which you will use most of the time.

2 generates a clone, grants Regeneration, and heals allies for a small amount. Cast it as often as possible.

3 grants Fury and Might and you should therefore cast it regularly. It's sequence skill, , instead heals allies for a large amount, cleanses conditions, and blinds foes - cast it whenever you need to save your allies.

4 deals moderate Defiance Break, but you can freely use spare Charges to stun dangerous foes or to generate additional Alacrity / Quickness.

5 grants Barrier and Resistance to allies. You can reactivate it to open a portal from its location, but that will increase the Cooldown.

Shield Usage

Shield is part of your secondary weapon set, which you can swap to whenever necessary.

4 blocks incoming attacks and summons a Phantasm that grants Protection. If you blocked an attack, you can cast its sequence skill, , which has the same properties.

5 can stun foes twice to deal high Defiance Break. It's also useful for granting additional Might and Swiftness.

Shatter Usage

F1 is important for maintaining Might. Cast it off Cooldown.

F2 maintains Protection and Vigor. Cast it off Cooldown with three Clones.

F3 should be cast with as many Clones as possible to Daze foes.

F4 makes you (nearly) invulnerable for a short duration. You can also cast it to grant Aegis and Stability, if those boons are not available via your utility skills.

While F5 is active, all skills you cast will not be on Recharge when it ends. You should use it to double-up on boons, healing, defiance break, or any other skills you would like to cast twice in quick succession.

Skill Type Source
200 (260) Rifle
200 (260) Shield
100 + 100 per Clone Shatter
300 (390) Utility Skill
600 (780) Elite Skill
150 (195) per Charge Alternate Utility Skill
300 (390) Alternate Utility Skill
350 + 150 + 100 Alternate Elite Skill

will increase the duration of Stuns and Dazes you apply.

Casting will recharge .


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