Skill Reference Guide
Sword & Pistol | Default Keybind |
F1 |
F2 |
Auto Attack | |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Gunsaber | Default Keybind |
Dragon Slash—Force | 1 |
Triggerguard | 4 |
Flicker Step | 5 |
Item | Stat |
Berserker'sHelm |
Berserker'sShoulders |
Berserker'sCoat |
Berserker'sGloves |
Berserker'sLeggings |
Berserker'sBoots |
Item | Stat |
Berserker'sBackpiece |
Assassin'sAccessory |
Berserker'sAccessory |
Berserker'sAmulet |
Assassin'sRing |
Berserker'sRing |
Relic |
Primary Weapon Set | |
Berserker's SwordMain Hand |
Berserker's PistolOff Hand |
Other Items |
Infusionx18 |
Food |
Utility |
Provide Alacrity via . This trait will trigger when you use Dragon Slash—Force.
This is due to Dragon Slash otherwise being a low priority skill that will be easily interrupted. With Auto Attack disabled, only moving your character or other higher priority actions can interrupt Dragon Slash.
Up to five skills in can be precasted for . Another five stacks are gained during the opening.
On some loops, step 2 will be Blooming Fire Artillery Slash Cyclone Trigger
Flicker Step is used in the rotation before Dragon Slash—Force to activate .
Skill | Defiance Damage | Source |
Artillery Slash | 200 with 3 Charges | Gunsaber |
Artillery Slash | 100 with 2 Charges | Gunsaber |