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Condition Firebrand

Published Sep 28, 2022 Updated Mar 8, 2025
Raids - June 2024 Balance
supporthero meta team
Pros +
Plenty of CC Provides party boons Access to healing & support Plenty of utility Lots of cleave
Cons -
High mastery curve Fast paced rotation Complex rotation Easy to cancel skills Loses damage on moving targets
Power 2241
Toughness 1000
Vitality 1297
Precision 1726
Critical Chance 39.57%
Ferocity 150
Critical Damage 160%
Condition Damage 2056
Healing Power 0
Expertise 676
Condition Duration 60.06%
Concentration 0
Boon Duration 0%
Benchmark History
Last Benchmark Max
Last Benchmark Average
Item Stat







Item Stat








Primary Weapon Set

Viper's AxeMain Hand

Viper's TorchOff Hand

Secondary Weapon Set

Viper's PistolMain Hand

Viper's PistolOff Hand

Other Items




Jade Bot Core

Traits & Skills

Replace with a different utility skill when needed:

  • for Breakbar Phases
  • for extra Aegis
  • when Chapter 3: Valiant Bulwark is not enough projectile reflect
  • when Epilogue: Unbroken Lines is not enough Stability

Replace with a different elite skill when needed:

  • to supplement subgroup Quickness and Superspeed
  • for temporary Invulnerability
Skill Reference Guide
Axe & Torch Default Keybind
4 4
Pistol & Pistol Default Keybind
5 5
F1 Default Keybind
Chapter 1: Searing Spell 1
Chapter 2: Igniting Burst 2
Chapter 4: Scorched Aftermath 4
Epilogue: Ashes of the Just 5
F3 Default Keybind
Chapter 3: Valiant Bulwark 3
Epilogue: Unbroken Lines 5
Rotation & Extras
  1. Fully charge
  2. During the following skill casts, use all Charges of as quickly as possible.
  3. Weapon Swap
  4. Chapter 4: Scorched Aftermath Chapter 2: Igniting Burst Epilogue: Ashes of the Just

Cast and all Charges of off Cooldown. has a high priority over other skills due to its high damage.

In , cast Chapter 2: Igniting Burst, Chapter 4: Scorched Aftermath, and Epilogue: Ashes of the Just off Cooldown. Prioritize Chapter 4: Scorched Aftermath and Epilogue: Ashes of the Just due to their high damage.

You can tap into during the cast time of other skills, like or , without interrupting them to check when your skills will be off Cooldown or to queue up a skill right after a weapon skill.

  • Chapter 2: Igniting Burst has a Cooldown of 6.4 seconds. You will often be able to pair this skill with either Chapter 4: Scorched Aftermath or Epilogue: Ashes of the Just.
  • Chapter 4: Scorched Aftermath has a Cooldown of 12 seconds. You can usually pair this skill with every second Chapter 2: Igniting Burst, but try to keep track of this skill’s Cooldown either way.
  • Epilogue: Ashes of the Just has a Cooldown of 16 seconds. This skill almost always lines up with , so try to pair them.

On Axe, cast twice, cast once, and cast all Charges of . Always fully charge . For easy use, you can hold down to automatically detonate it in melee Range after a full charge.

On Pistol, cast twice, combined with and . Use once.

Skill Defiance Break Source
100 Axe
150 Axe
Maximum charge 400 Offhand Pistol
Chapter 3: Heated Rebuke 150
Chapter 2: Daring Challenge 320


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