Use your Dagger and Sword abilities to apply massive amounts of Bleeding thanks to the trait combination of and .
Generate Blades passively by inflicting Bleeding via and by:
- Having a Phantasm complete its attack
- Using skills like that would otherwise generate a Clone
Convert your Blades into damage and significant healing through Bladesong skills.
Most of your attacks Pierce so are most effective when you line up to hit multiple enemies at once. This can be a large boost to your Blade generation and hence your Damage and safety.
Stay on your Dagger / Sword set whilst dealing Damage and use a Bladesong whenever you have five Blades.
Follow this skill priority on your Dagger / Sword set:
Follow this skill priority for your Bladesongs:
- (Ranged)
- (Ranged)
- (Melee)
resets the Cooldown of your Phantasm skills. When available, use it in the combo:
For a strong opening, consider the following skill sequence, starting with Shield offhand:
- to gain Quickness and 8 Might.
- Weapon Swap
- Continue with Dagger abilities and Bladesongs as needed.
Generate Might with:
Please note that will only give Might if cast at close range.
Generate Fury with:
Generate Quickness with:
- Disabling enemies while using Shield via and
These sigils stack, unlike other sigils. Use to cover potential gaps.
Use to steal Protection and Resolution from your enemies and transfer debilitating conditions from yourself back to your target.
Whenever you kill an enemy while wielding your Sword, you gain 10 Precision from . More Precision generates more Bleeding which generates more Blades. This effect maxes at 25 stacks and resets on being Downed.
Heal in an area by stocking Blades and using Bladesongs with the traits and respectively.
- also cleanses conditions
- will only work while not at maximum Blades
Use to Block an attack and stock a Blade.
Use for a channeled Block and unlock for another channeled Block. Reset with in emergencies.
grants 0.75 seconds of Distortion per Blade spent. It can be used even while stunned.
Stun Break with in emergencies.