Greatsword is a taggers best friend. Your Auto Attack on this weaponset is prime for tagging when used under the effects of Mirage Cloak.
Mirage Cloak will cause your to become which tags multiple enemies.
Movement is king so make sure to always have Swiftness for your . Use or if you're not gaining Swiftness from an outside source.
This build revolves around using as much as possible but this requires a high uptime on Mirage Cloak. Your main source of Mirage Cloak is by Dodging. This causes the build to require an extra source of Endurance.
will grant us full Endurance on a kill and lets us keep Dodging for more spam.
Aside from Dodging, we can also get Mirage Cloak from:
Use your other Greatsword skills off Cooldown while you run through mobs. Let's take a look at them:
- will bounce between enemies and allies
- is a Ground-Targeted AoE
- has strong cleave and high Damage.
Take care on using as it will Knockback enemies out of your cleave.
Swap to your Dagger / Sword set for single target DPS. Don't stand there leeching on your Greatsword when the boss spawns.
Use the following skills on this set as soon as you Weapon Swap:
Don't forget to use when you've got max Clones.
All of your utility skills aid in your mobility:
- provides an Evade. Turn your character around to use it in the direction you want to go. This skill also acts as a Stun Break
- is fairly obvious. Use it to catch up to the pack. You can combine this with to double dip into mobility heaven.
can be used for movement but it also acts as a Condition Removal.
can be used to block the next incoming attack. If the block is trigger, you will deal a sizable amount of Damage. If you double press this skill, you will use which deals a Daze.
The classic panic button for all Memser builds - . Use it wisely!