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Power Chronomancer

Published Aug 11, 2023 Updated Mar 5, 2025
Open World - February 2025 Balance
Pros +
Plenty of CC Provides party boons High damage Strong bursts
Cons -
High mastery curve Fast paced rotation Relies on resource management
Item Stat







Item Stat








Primary Weapon Set

Berserker's DaggerMain Hand

Berserker's SwordOff Hand

Secondary Weapon Set

Berserker's SpearMain Hand

Other Items




Jade Bot Core

Traits & Skills
Skill Notes

Priority order when swapping out skills:

  • for Damage and Boon Removal
  • for Damage and an easily-avaliable Vulnerability spike
  • for group Stability and Stun Break
  • for Condition Removal
  • for more Defiance Break
  • for group Aegis and Stability
  • for more Defiance Break
  • for Projectile Reflect
  • for powerful mobility and Stun Break
  • for teleporting 20 people up to 5000 units away

can be replaced by:

  • for single target Defiance Break
  • for Quickness in short fights
  • provides Stealth to 10 allies.
Skill Reference Guide
Dagger & Sword Default Keybind
Auto Attack
Spear Default Keybind
Auto Attack Chain
Shatter Default Keybind
Trait Notes

for Quickness or for Alacrity.

is your highest Damage trait when you already have Quickness and Alacrity covered. You can also use it when you're solo and don't want Alacrity.

Instead of Illusions Trait Line, you can take Domination Trait Line for higher Damage at a cost of boon self-reliance. Run this when you already have Quickness and Alacrity covered.

Equipment Notes

Shield can be taken instead of Sword off hand for the additional Blocks and Defiance Break.

Focus can be taken instead of Sword off hand for a Pull and Vulnerability at a cost of Damage.

Sword can be taken instead of Dagger if you do not have access to Secrets of the Obscure (SotO).

  • Sword gives you access to however it removes your Ranged Damage and has slightly overall less Damage.
Relic Notes

can be replaced when needed:

  • for personal Quickness
  • is easy to maintain Damage buff
  • for a Heal every time you Block
  • coverts Critical Strikes into Healing
  • grants Condition Removal when you use your Heal skill
  • provides increased Movement Speed and Superspeed when entering combat
  • inflicts Vulnerability when you apply Cripple, Chilled or Immobilize
  • gain Might x 3 and Fury when you disable an enemy on a one second Cooldown
  • gain Might x 8 and Fury when you use your Heal skill on a 10 second Cooldown
  • gain Aegis, Quickness, Swiftness, Resistance and Might when you hit an enemy with your mount engage skill.
Rotation & Extras

Group Quickness or Alacrity is generated from Phantasm and Shatter skills.

  • Use your Phantasm and Clone skills off Cooldown.
  • Use your Shatter skills when you have three Clones.

Use on bosses to reset your skills. Try not to waste it on random mobs.

Important things to know about :

  • Hitting an enemy will grant you Clarity. This buff effects of all Spear skills, making them much stronger.
  • Using resets , allowing you to use Clarity-enhanced skills more frequently.
  • It should be the first skill you cast on Spear and will be most likely be the last too.
  • It has a substantial Damage increase when hitting the enemy with outer edge. Walk back if needed to hit the main target with it.

Use whilst being enhanced with Clarity, so you will spawn two Phantasms per cast.

resets the Cooldown of your Phantasm skills. When available, use it in the combo:

Fill the gaps between skills with your utilities, Auto Attacks and .

  • Use and off Cooldown unless is about to come off Cooldown.

Follow this skill priority on your Dagger / Sword set:

Use or whenever you have three Clones for big Damage and boon uptime.

  • Clones disappear when the target they're focusing dies, so remember to Shatter them before that happens.
Continuum Split Notes

Some useful things to know about :

  • Use it with a minimum of two Clones to maximize the duration.
  • Enter as you finish casting a Phantasm. This will maximise the time you have for casting other skills.
  • Delay your Wells and if is about to come off Cooldown.

Follow this skill priority when in :

  • Phantasm Phantasm
  • Wells
  • Other weapon skills
Relic of the Claw Upkeep

The Damage bonus from is upkept by using Defiance Break skills. Part of the uptime is already covered by empowered , although you also have to upkeep it on your Dagger / Sword set.

Use any of the skills mentioned in the Defiance Break table below.

Use for a single channeled Block into an Evade.

Use the Shatter skill for Invulnerability, with the duration based on the amount of Clones that you Shatter.

can be used for mobility and Stun Break.

serves both as an Evade, a source of Condition Removal and a Heal.

Avoid using if you are standing in a hazardous area.

Skill Defiance Break Source
200 Sword
300 (With Clarity) Spear
300 100 150 Elite
300 Alternate Utility
150 per Charge Alternate Utility
600 Alternate Elite
100 per Clone, up to 400 Profession Mechanic


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