Here are the most common utility skills you'll be using.
- for a 1200 Range burst Heal.
- for ranged Revives.
- , or for additional Breakbar damage.
Item | Stat |
Harrier'sHelm |
Harrier'sShoulders |
Harrier'sCoat |
Harrier'sGloves |
Harrier'sLeggings |
Harrier'sBoots |
Item | Stat |
Giver'sBackpiece |
Giver'sAccessory |
Giver'sAccessory |
Giver'sAmulet |
Harrier'sRing |
Harrier'sRing |
Relic |
Primary Weapon Set | |
Harrier's StaffMain Hand |
Other Items |
Infusionx18 |
Food |
Utility |
Here are the most common utility skills you'll be using.
Your Toughness may increase by up to 10% due to . Even if you don't have any Toughness gear, this can still put you at 1100 Toughness.
Quickly cycle through , and to upkeep Might, Fury, Quickness, Vigor, Resolution and .
Regularly use and to upkeep Regeneration and Swiftness.
Use at least once every 34 seconds to upkeep Protection. Heal Quickness Catalyst has a very loose "rotation" outside of the opener due to its immense boon overcap. Spheres only have a 10.2 second Cooldown, but their boons last a lot longer than that, meaning you can delay for a while if you need Stability or Aegis.
Energy is important in order to cast Jade Spheres. Aim to hit enemies with these skills to generate Energy. Additionally, you can use and swap attunements to trigger for additional Energy.
Skill | Defiance Damage | Source |
150 | Staff | |
200 | Staff | |
200 | Staff | |
200 | Utility | |
300-400 | Utility | |
232 | Utility | |
200 | Utility | |
150 | Elite |
will increase the duration of Stuns and Dazes you apply.