can be replaced with:
- can be used on small hitboxes.
- for more Defiance Break
- for better mobility
can be replaced by for more burst damage.
Item | Stat |
Berserker'sHelm |
Berserker'sShoulders |
Berserker'sCoat |
Berserker'sGloves |
Berserker'sLeggings |
Berserker'sBoots |
Item | Stat |
Berserker'sBackpiece |
Berserker'sAccessory |
Berserker'sAccessory |
Berserker'sAmulet |
Berserker'sRing |
Berserker'sRing |
Relic |
Primary Weapon Set | |
Berserker's ScepterMain Hand |
Berserker's DaggerOff Hand |
Other Items |
Infusionx13 |
Infusionx5 |
Food |
Utility |
Jade Bot Core |
can be replaced with:
can be replaced by for more burst damage.
Use on non-defiant bosses such as Conjured Amalgamate and Dragonvoid.
Cycle through:
Use off Cooldown in , except for in the opener.
The rotation maintains by completing Combos and Disabling or Immobilizing enemies to gain bonus attributes.
Cast Jade Spheres F5
on allies to upkeep Quickness and all your complementary Boons.
Jade Spheres are instant-cast and require Energy, a resource gained by hitting enemies. Make sure to constantly attack as often as allowed, and try to cleave where possible.
Aim to use Jade Sphere in every Attunement but it's not always off Cooldown.
Attunements can be swapped while casting skills. Use this to save time and perform the Loop faster.
Not all skills will be off Cooldown when you enter each Attunement. Use what's available without waiting and swap back to .
Always use inside of .
Skill | Defiance Damage | Source |
332 | Dagger: | |
200 | Dagger: | |
200/Charge | Alternate Utility |