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Beginner Condition Quickness Firebrand

Published Jan 24, 2022 Updated Aug 30, 2024
Raids - March 2024 Balance
supporthero meta team
Pros +
High damage Access to healing & support Plenty of utility Lots of cleave
Cons -
High mastery curve Fast paced rotation Relies on resource management Easy to cancel skills Loses damage on moving targets
Power 1040
Toughness 1000
Vitality 2474
Precision 1120
Critical Chance 10.71%
Ferocity 150
Critical Damage 160%
Condition Damage 1940
Healing Power 0
Expertise 676
Condition Duration 60.06%
Concentration 606
Boon Duration 40.4%
Item Stat







Item Stat








Primary Weapon Set

Ritualist's PistolMain Hand

Ritualist's TorchOff Hand

Secondary Weapon Set

Ritualist's PistolOff Hand

Other Items




Jade Bot Core

Traits & Skills
Skill Reference Guide
Pistol Default Keybind
Offhand Pistol Default Keybind
5 5
Offhand Torch Default Keybind
4 4
F1 Default Keybind
Chapter 2: Igniting Burst 2
Chapter 4: Scorched Aftermath 4
Epilogue: Ashes of the Just 5
F3 Default Keybind
Chapter 3: Valiant Bulwark 3
Epilogue: Unbroken Lines 5
Quickness Sources

This build maintains Quickness with the following skills:

  • via , 360 Radius. Use one Charge when you recover a Charge, about every 8 seconds.
  • , 180 Radius/450-Range Cone. Use all Charges off Cooldown.
  • , 600 Radius. Use off Cooldown.

As you can see, each source has a different radius of application. Your party needs to stack tight for maximum boon application. When in doubt, provide boons to the stack and remind your team to stack appropriately. With boon duration, using all of these skills consistently provides about 115% Quickness uptime.

Symbol of Ignition

Striking an enemy standing inside  will Burn all enemies inside the symbol. Projectiles fired through the symbol to strike enemies outside the symbol will apply Burning to all enemies struck by the projectile. Both of these effects share a 1/4-second cooldown—there is no double dipping.

This means it is important to combo with other weapon skills to get as many procs of the effect as possible.

Rotation & Extras
Step One: Quickness and Tome of Justice

To begin, focus on maintaining Quickness uptime and learning the timing of . See the Quickness Sources sidebar for notes of generating Quickness.

Tomes, the unique mechanic of Firebrand, give you access to a number of great skills with the downside of hidden Cooldowns. Fortunately, you can use to keep track of skills, as it shares the same Cooldown as Epilogue: Ashes of the Just. Always pair these skills in the Combo:

  1. Chapter 4: Scorched Aftermath Epilogue: Ashes of the Just Chapter 2: Igniting Burst

Opening during other skills will not interrupt them. This means you can queue from other skills into Tome skills. Use Stow Tome during the cast of your final skill in to queue into your next skill.

Use this as the basic gameplay loop:

  1. Use all Charges of and as quickly as possible, ideally during other skill casts to apply large amounts of Burning and Quickness.
  2. The Combo when comes off Cooldown.
  3. Fill until is off Cooldown with the following priority:
    • when you recover a Charge, about every 8 seconds.
    • Auto Attacks

This gameplay loop on its own can be fast-paced and button-spammy at times. Make sure you're comfortable with executing this loop first and are generating enough Quickness before moving on. Future steps only increase damage and will not help increase your boon coverage. You will not be reminded to use all of these skills moving forward!

Step Two: Symbol of Ignition

For this step, use off Cooldown and pair it with other weapon skills. See the Symbol of Ignition sidebar for notes about how the skill works.

On Mainhand Pistol:

  • off Cooldown

On Offhand Pistol:

  • Try to save at least one charge of to combo with
  • Weapon Swap roughly off Cooldown

On Torch:

  • Weapon Swap roughly off Cooldown

and are both Ammo skills, so if these skills are at two Charges when you Weapon Swap, use one Charge as soon as possible. Using the last Charge has less priority and you can wait to combo it with , but still try to use it before you Weapon Swap. Don't let either skill sit at two Charges for too long.

is easily cancelled by other skills. Make sure you let it fully channel; don't interrupt it with other skills. Remember that you can still use your Mantras and/or open to prepare for your next skill during its cast time.

Activate during other skill casts. Use its first cast quickly when you Weapon Swap to Torch. It has two charges and the Cooldown starts ticking as soon as you activate , so afterwards you can throw whenever it's convenient without interrupting other skills.

Step Three: Shoot First, Collect Loot Later

Add in an opener to start things off with a bang! Starting on Torch, use the following, remembering to use your Mantras while casting other skills:

  1. Combo
  2. Weapon Swap to Offhand Pistol

Afterwards, follow your priorities from Step 1 and Step 2.

Note that this opener is slightly modified from the one featured on the full build guide to keep and the Tome Combo together for the beginner build.

Step Four: More Skills

Add the remaining skills, but remember to use higher-priority skills from previous steps first!

Offhand Pistol:

  1. when fully charged


  1. when you have nothing else to do for a few seconds


  1. Chapter 2: Igniting Burst when is halfway off Cooldown

You should be able to fit all of these skills and still Weapon Swap nearly off Cooldown! If you are struggling, add in the new skills one at a time. If you find yourself frequently Auto Attacking on a weapon set, you need to increase the tempo.

has a long cast time and only applies Burning on the last tick. It can be easily canceled by other skills, so make sure you don't interrupt it early.

Transitioning to the Full Build

To improve further, visit the Condition Quickness Firebrand page.


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