The Scepter version of this build has a larger portion of it's damage as ranged damage. It can also support allies via Barrier from Scepter skills in a pinch.
The Scepter version of this build has a larger portion of it's damage as ranged damage. It can also support allies via Barrier from Scepter skills in a pinch.
Item | Stat |
Viper'sHelm |
Viper'sShoulders |
Viper'sCoat |
Viper'sGloves |
Viper'sLeggings |
Viper'sBoots |
Item | Stat |
Viper'sBackpiece |
Viper'sAccessory |
Viper'sAccessory |
Viper'sAmulet |
Viper'sRing |
Viper'sRing |
Relic |
Primary Weapon Set | |
Viper's ScepterMain Hand |
Viper's DaggerOff Hand |
Secondary Weapon Set |
Viper's ScepterMain Hand |
Viper's DaggerOff Hand |
Other Items |
Infusionx18 |
Food |
Utility |
Jade Bot Core |
Precast up to five minutes before the fight, as it Recharges while armed. You can reset its cooldown with Mushroom King's Blessing when practicing.
Precast as combat starts, except when practicing on the golem.
Cast , , , and off Cooldown.
Skill | Defiance Break | Source |
170 | ||
150 | ||
750 | Alternate Elite Skill |