Skill Reference Guide
Rifle | Default Keybind |
1 |
1 |
3 |
5 |
Dagger & Dagger | Default Keybind |
1 |
2 |
5 |
Item | Stat |
Berserker'sHelm |
Berserker'sShoulders |
Berserker'sCoat |
Berserker'sGloves |
Berserker'sLeggings |
Berserker'sBoots |
Item | Stat |
Assassin'sBackpiece |
Berserker'sAccessory |
Berserker'sAccessory |
Berserker'sAmulet |
Berserker'sRing |
Berserker'sRing |
Relic |
Primary Weapon Set | |
Berserker's RifleMain Hand |
Secondary Weapon Set |
Berserker's DaggerMain Hand |
Berserker's DaggerOff Hand |
Other Items |
Infusionx13 |
Infusionx5 |
Food |
Utility |
Jade Bot Core |
is the centerpiece of this build. You will want to make sure you critically strike with at least 3 Initiative skills before executing a Stealth Attack.
Rifle's damage is superior to Dagger's when fighting enemies above 50% HP, and otherwise allows you to shoot targets from 1,500 Range.
Always make sure your current target is Marked. Outside of your opener, build Malice by casting exactly 3x , then enter Stealth to cast , via one of the following sources, in descending priority order:
When none of these Stealth sources are available, fill time by building Malice with , and then to reset your Cooldown, and refill your Initiative.
You can spend excess Initiative from activation on before using to reset, if you need to wait for the Cooldown of a Stealth skill a little longer.
Build Malice with . Maximize uptime by alternating between Cantrip sequences and non-Cantrip sequences.
With Cantrips, depending on what is off Cooldown, do one of the following:
If is coming off Cooldown do:
Otherwise, prioritizing the sequence if it’s at 2 charges, do:
Without Cantrips, do: