Precast up to five minutes before the fight, as it Recharges while armed. You can reset its cooldown with Mushroom King's Blessing when practicing.
Precast as combat starts, except when practicing on the golem.
- x2
- Use , and during these s, since they have no cast time.
This build has two main goals: entering Stealth as soon as Revealed wears off, and recalling six Spinning Axes as efficiently as possible via .
Spinning Axes are generated from , and .
Your Stealth sources in this build are and . The latter is used as an alternative to to conserve and replenish Initiative when running low.
The following skills are used as Filler skills during the loop, in descending order of priority:
- .
- .
- An encounter-specific, non-instant Stolen Skill, when applicable, such as Unstable Artifact for damage, or Detonate Plasma for additional boons.
- An additional .
Always use and off Cooldown.
- x2
- Filler Skill
If you are low on Initiative, and have no Filler avialble, you can use in step 3 instead and skip step 4.