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Condition Thief

Published Jul 13, 2024 Updated Mar 11, 2025
Raids - February 2025 Balance
Seisan meta team

Condition Thief is a strong damage build with several built-in tools that provide good passive sustain. Despite being a Condition Damage build, it also has relatively short ramp-up time that can help you perform well in many encounters, and excellent mobility to help you stick to enemies and continue dealing damage.

Pros +
Good mobility Plenty of CC Defensive options Simple rotation Short ramp-up
Cons -
Relies on resource management Easy to cancel skills Forced movement Loses damage on moving targets
Power 2173
Toughness 1000
Vitality 1297
Precision 1633
Critical Chance 35.14%
Ferocity 0
Critical Damage 150%
Condition Damage 1927
Healing Power 0
Expertise 783
Condition Duration 67.19%
Concentration 0
Boon Duration 0%
Benchmark History
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Item Stat







Item Stat








Primary Weapon Set

Viper's AxeMain Hand

Viper's DaggerOff Hand

Secondary Weapon Set

Viper's SpearMain Hand

Other Items




Traits & Skills
Skill Notes
  • For highly mobile bosses, swap for .

  • Slot in instead of when the encounter does not require Defiance Break.

Skill Reference Guide
Axe & Dagger Default Keybind
Dagger & Pistol Default Keybind
Spear Default Keybind
Trait Notes
  • In Trickery Trait Line:

    • to pad some secondary boons for your party.
    • to minimize damage loss if you are forced to dodge a mechanic.
  • In Shadow Arts Trait Line:

    • for strong, personal condition cleansing.
Equipment Notes
  • You may take Dagger/Pistol in the second weapon set as an alternative to Spear for Defiance Break via . You can also combo for Stealth in your Smoke Field with , to pre-cast stacks of ( trait).

  • If swapping to Spear for Defiance Break, refer to our Condition Thief Spear variant for details on how to play while you are on this weaponset.

  • Non-SotO Relic alternatives:

    • as a powerful alternative in encounters with long phases and incoming boss damage. The arena's pulsing damage aura in many encounters is attributed to the boss!
Rotation & Extras

Precast up to five minutes before the fight, as it Recharges while armed. You can reset its cooldown with Mushroom King's Blessing when practicing.

Precast as combat starts, except when practicing on the golem.

  1. x2
    • Use , and during these s, since they have no cast time.

This build has two main goals: entering Stealth as soon as Revealed wears off, and recalling six Spinning Axes as efficiently as possible via .

Spinning Axes are generated from , and .

Your Stealth sources in this build are and . The latter is used as an alternative to to conserve and replenish Initiative when running low.

The following skills are used as Filler skills during the loop, in descending order of priority:

  • .
  • .
  • An encounter-specific, non-instant Stolen Skill, when applicable, such as Unstable Artifact for damage, or Detonate Plasma for additional boons.
  • An additional .

Always use and off Cooldown.

  1. x2
  2. Filler Skill

If you are low on Initiative, and have no Filler avialble, you can use in step 3 instead and skip step 4.

can Reveal you early if you detonate it at the wrong time. To avoid this, make sure to only detonate this skill right after during the loop.

Rotation Notes
  • Use off Cooldown when there are at least 4 allies nearby.

  • Both and will cancel any skill casts, so make sure to let the previous action finish.

  • You will constantly replenish Initiative via the trait , utilizing your Stealth Attack, and (via ).

  • Should you fumble the loop and find yourself low on initiative, skip the and replace it with 2 - 3 Auto Attacks.

Skill Defiance Break Source
150 Spear
150 per Stack Elite Skill


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