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Power Deadeye Spear

Published Mar 3, 2025 Updated Mar 4, 2025
Raids - February 2025 Balance
Seisan meta team

Power Deadeye Spear is a high-damage build that can be played nearly identically to Power Quickness Deadeye, and has minimal trait and gear differences, allowing you to essentially learn two builds at once.

You'll need a good sense of timing to succeed with this build: tracking Revealed as it ticks down, refreshing the damage modifier from , and correctly sequencing your Spear skills as they flip from one to the next.

Pros +
High damage Plenty of CC Fluid rotation
Cons -
Lacks utility Relies on enemy conditions Relies on total number of boons Fast paced rotation Complex rotation
Power 3151
Toughness 1000
Vitality 1000
Precision 1960
Critical Chance 60.71%
Ferocity 1526
Critical Damage 251.7%
Condition Damage 0
Healing Power 0
Expertise 0
Condition Duration 0%
Concentration 180
Boon Duration 12%
Benchmark History
Last Benchmark Max
Last Benchmark Average
Item Stat







Item Stat








Primary Weapon Set

Berserker's SpearMain Hand

Secondary Weapon Set

Berserker's DaggerMain Hand

Berserker's PistolOff Hand

Other Items




Traits & Skills
Skill Notes
  • You can use for mobility.
  • Take for Defiance Break.
  • as an additional Cantrip option and to remove Revealed.
Skill Reference Guide
Spear Default Keybind
1 (Stealth Attack)
2 Lead Attack
  ↳ 2 Follow Up
       ↳ 2 Finisher
3 Lead Attack
  ↳ 3 Follow Up
       ↳ 3 Finisher
Dagger & Pistol Default Keybind
1 (Stealth Attack)
Rotation & Extras

It is strongly advised that you disable Auto Cast on Spear skill 1, by holding CTRL and Right Clicking the skill. If that setting remains enabled, then any skill can interrupt your Stealth Attack. If you want to queue into your next skill while the Stealth Attack is channeling, then Auto Cast must be disabled!

We use the shorthand " combo" when the combo sequence starts with a , and " combo" when the sequence starts with a . Both of these skills will be followed by .

Precast before combat.

  1. Stolen Skill
  2. x 2
  3. Stolen Skill
  4. Combo
  5. (+ during this cast)
  • Spear skills 2 and 3 are each a sequence of 3 skills: Lead Attack Follow Up Finisher. Using a skill from either sequence will progress both sequences.

  • After using a Finisher:

    • grants a damage modifier
    • grants 4 Initiative (on the final, delayed strike)
  1. Combo Stolen Skill
  2. Combo Combo
  3. Stolen Skill *
  4. Combo Combo
  5. Stolen Skill
  6. Combo Combo (but weave in a cast of before )
  7. Stolen Skill
  8. Combo Combo
  9. (+ during this cast)

In the first loop, during step 4 won't be available yet, so cast it after your .

Rotation Notes
  • Spend each of your Stolen Skills before using /Cantrips to generate a new one, or you will overwrite the current one.

  • When casting directly before , make sure to cast it slightly to the side and to tap or hold your 1 keybind, to queue and prevent 's impact from Revealing you first.

Since this playstyle is nearly identical, check Power Quickness Deadeye's Gameplay Guide for further tips on.

Skill Defiance Break Source
150 Spear


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