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Condition Thief Spear

Published Feb 18, 2025 Updated Feb 21, 2025
Raids - February 2025 Balance
Seisan meta team

The Spear version of this build revolves around maintaining uptime while going through several types of Spear combo loops nonstop. When executed properly, this build never runs out of Initiative, but will also never cast a single Auto Attack.

Pros +
High damage Good mobility Plenty of CC Defensive options Simple rotation Short ramp-up
Cons -
Relies on resource management Loses damage on moving targets Fast paced rotation Reduced damage around adds
Power 2172
Toughness 1000
Vitality 1000
Precision 1633
Critical Chance 35.14%
Ferocity 0
Critical Damage 150%
Condition Damage 1926
Healing Power 0
Expertise 783
Condition Duration 67.19%
Concentration 0
Boon Duration 0%
Benchmark History
Last Benchmark Max
Last Benchmark Average
Item Stat







Item Stat








Primary Weapon Set

Viper's SpearMain Hand

Other Items




Traits & Skills
Skill Notes
  • is your strongest self-heal; it also provides substantial subgroup healing.

  • can be cast during downtime to pre-stack 6 stacks of , thanks to the trait. It may also be used as an emergency Stealth source if, for whatever reason, you've spent too much Initiative and cannot execute another full loop to get the full value out of 's Initiative refund, such as spending too much Initiative on Defiance Break, or missing your .

  • , combined with lifesteal, provides passive, very strong self-sustain.

  • Take the Elite Skill for extra Defiance Break.

Skill Reference Guide
Spear Default Keybind
1 (Stealth Attack)
2 Lead Attack
  ↳ 2 Follow Up
       ↳ 2 Finisher
3 Lead Attack
  ↳ 3 Follow Up
       ↳ 3 Finisher
Trait Notes

The following optional swaps are available:

In Trickery Trait Line:

  • to pad some secondary boons for your party.
  • to minimize damage loss if you are forced to dodge a mechanic.
  • to further pad some secondary boons for your party for a minor damage loss.

In Shadow Arts Trait Line:

  • for strong, personal condition cleansing.
Equipment Notes
  • Relic alternatives:

    • as a powerful alternative in encounters with long phases and incoming boss damage. The arena's pulsing damage aura in many encounters is attributed to the boss!
    • at a small (~300) dps loss, to share gear with Condition Thief.
Rotation & Extras

The pulsing damage of can Reveal you while in Stealth. You must practice your timing around to avoid this problem.

It is strongly advised that you disable Auto Cast on Spear skill 1, by holding CTRL and Right Clicking the skill. If that setting remains enabled, then any skill can interrupt your Stealth Attack. If you want to queue into your next skill while the Stealth Attack is channeling, then Auto Cast must be disabled!

Precast up to five minutes before the fight, as it Recharges while armed. You can reset its Cooldown with Mushroom King's Blessing when practicing.

Precast as combat starts, except when practicing on the golem.

  1. (+, and during this cast)
  • Spear skills 2 and 3 are each a sequence of 3 skills: Lead Attack Follow Up Finisher. Using a skill from either sequence will progress both sequences.

  • After using a Finisher:

    • grants a damage modifier
    • grants 4 Initiative (on the final, delayed strike)

Always use off Cooldown.

Alternate between these 2 sequences:

  1. sequence:

  2. sequence:

When is off Cooldown, use this short loop instead of a sequence:

  1. (+ during this cast)
Rotation Notes
  • Cast Venom skills off Cooldown with at least 4 allies nearby, but after combat starts so they don't get removed by the boonstrip at the start of most encounters.

  • Spear combo sequences only resets after several seconds if left incomplete, letting you input a skill or two on demand without interrupting your combo.

  • Your Spear inputs can be queued in two ways: either continuously pressing the input, or holding down the next input for combo sequences. Queuing inputs is key to performing well on this build as it is fast paced and there is very little downtime, so experiment with what works best for you.

  • has the majority of it's damage loaded into it's final hit. It will also restore Initiative when it fully channels, therefore it is doubly important not to interrupt it!

Skill Defiance Break Source
150 Spear
150 per Stack Optional Elite Skill


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